在国际社会里孤立台湾 isolate Taiwan from the international community
隔离病床 isolation beds
隔离病房 isolation wards
以色列(耶路撒冷) Israel(Jerusalem)
以色列总统卡察夫 Israeli President Moshe Katzav
以巴冲突 Israeli-Palestinian conflict
以色列总理巴拉克 Isreali Prime Minister Ehud Barak
提供处方给病人,让病人去药房配药 issue
发表关于医疗融资的咨询文件 issue a
公布优生法 issue a eugenics law
向台湾国防部长发签证 issue a visa to Taiwan Defence Minister
发行总值二百亿元的债券 issue bonds worth $20 billion
隔离病床 isolation beds
隔离病房 isolation wards
以色列(耶路撒冷) Israel(Jerusalem)
以色列总统卡察夫 Israeli President Moshe Katzav
以巴冲突 Israeli-Palestinian conflict
以色列总理巴拉克 Isreali Prime Minister Ehud Barak
提供处方给病人,让病人去药房配药 issue
发表关于医疗融资的咨询文件 issue a
公布优生法 issue a eugenics law
向台湾国防部长发签证 issue a visa to Taiwan Defence Minister
发行总值二百亿元的债券 issue bonds worth $20 billion
每天公布珠三角空气污染指数 issue daily air quality data for the Pearl River Delta
发行为期五年可换股债券,总值十一亿美元 issue five-year convertibles worth US$1.1 billion
五送一红股 issue one bonus share to shareholders for every five shares held???
招股定价 issue pricing
发出签证 issue the visa
发出咨询文件 issued a consultation document
发表联合声明 issued a joint declaration
昨天发表联合声明 issued a joint statement yesterday
发出山泥倾泻警告 issued a landslide warning
发出盈利警告 issued a profit warning
勒索 issued blackmail threats
关乎梁锦松诚信的事件 issues related to the credibility of Mr Leung
在国际资本市场发行债券/发债 issuing bonds on the world‘s capital markets
发假病假纸 issuing false certificates
发行新股 issuing new shares
伊斯坦布尔 Istanbul(Turkey)
这显示医生对病人完全漠不关心。 It
他们亦决定在二零零五年前淘汰所有发电量低于三亿瓦的发电厂。 It also aims to phase out all power plants smaller than 300 megawatts in capacity by 2005.
这等同干涉香港事务 it could amount to interference in Hong Kong affairs
只视乎你的角度。 It depends upon your perspective.
(减薪)不够多 it did not go far enough
的处决方法。 It did not specify how
可是,它并未就未来的改革定下时间表。 It did not, however, mention any timetable for future reform.
是次判决令减薪行动的合法性不再备受质疑。 It ends uncertainty about the legitimacy of the pay cut.
(广州港)去年的吞吐量达一亿五千万吨。 It handled 150 million tonnes of cargo last year.
配备四百万像素和三倍光学变焦镜头。 It has 4.0 megapixels and a 3X optical zoon lens.
这比存定期好。 It is a better alternative to fixed savings.
这有碍观瞻,而且不合卫生。 It is a blot on the
他们难以负担购买计算机的费用,故未能紧贴最新社会信息。 It is difficult for them to pay for assess to computers to keep abreast of changes in society.
必须得到社会共识,寻求全面的解决方案。 It is essential to gain a community consensus to find comprehensive solutions.