汇丰控股集团行政总裁韦志诚 HSBC chief executive Keith Whitson
汇丰银行总经理柯清辉 HSBC general manager Raymond Or Ching-fai
汇丰控股昨日公布全年业绩,盈利较预期理想。 HSBC Holdings unveiled higher-than-expected full-year profits yesterday.
汇丰控股昨日公布半年业绩,由于最近在北美洲的收购获利,上半年盈利大升百分之二十五,达四十一美元,胜于市场预期。 HSBC Holdings yesterday posted a larger than expected 25 per cent jump in interim profit to US$4.1 billion on the back of recent acquisitions in North America.
汇丰储蓄利率 HSBC Savings Rate
汇丰银行会考虑赔偿部分客户损失。 HSBC will consider covering part of the customers‘ losses.
恒指服务公司表示,根据周三的收市价,招商局国际将占恒指比重的百分之零点六,骏威汽车占百分之零点五。 HSI Services said that based on closing prices on Wednesday, China Merchants would have a 0.6 per cent weighting in the index, while Denway would have a 0.5 per cent weighting.
新竹科学园 Hsinchu Industrial Park
华侨商业银行 Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Ltd.
黄河 Huang He
(活动)中心 hub
哈得孙湾 Hudson Bay
汇丰银行总经理柯清辉 HSBC general manager Raymond Or Ching-fai
汇丰控股昨日公布全年业绩,盈利较预期理想。 HSBC Holdings unveiled higher-than-expected full-year profits yesterday.
汇丰控股昨日公布半年业绩,由于最近在北美洲的收购获利,上半年盈利大升百分之二十五,达四十一美元,胜于市场预期。 HSBC Holdings yesterday posted a larger than expected 25 per cent jump in interim profit to US$4.1 billion on the back of recent acquisitions in North America.
汇丰储蓄利率 HSBC Savings Rate
汇丰银行会考虑赔偿部分客户损失。 HSBC will consider covering part of the customers‘ losses.
恒指服务公司表示,根据周三的收市价,招商局国际将占恒指比重的百分之零点六,骏威汽车占百分之零点五。 HSI Services said that based on closing prices on Wednesday, China Merchants would have a 0.6 per cent weighting in the index, while Denway would have a 0.5 per cent weighting.
新竹科学园 Hsinchu Industrial Park
华侨商业银行 Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Ltd.
黄河 Huang He
(活动)中心 hub
哈得孙湾 Hudson Bay
不排除有人为错误 human error may have
人类基因图谱 human genome
爱滋病病毒 Human Immunodeficiency
人奶、母乳 human milk
香港人权联委会 Human Rights Commission
中国人权(民主运动组织) Human Rights in China
香港人权正受威胁。 Human rights in Hong Kong are under threat.
香港人权监察 Human Rights Monitor
人权纪录 human rights record
人权监察者 human rights watchers
活人献祭 human sacrifice
人口贩子 human traffickers
人道主义者 humanitarian
人道物资 humanitarian goods
这种病毒可以人传人。 Human-to-human
肱骨 humerus
苏眉 Hump Head Wrasse
亲中团体工联会数以百计的会员 hundreds of pro-Beijing Federation of Trade Union members
红磡 Hung Hom
洪水桥 Hung Shui Kiu
匈牙利(布达佩斯) Hungary(Budapest)
搜捕凶手 hunt for the killer
向该座建筑物掟石、鸡蛋、西红柿和泼墨水 hurled rocks, eggs, tomatoes and bags filled with paint at the building
损害某人连任的机会 hurt the re-election chances of somebody
影响他们升读中六的机会 hurt their chance of securing a Form Six place
损害工人利益 hurt workers‘ interests
影响社会凝聚力 hurts social cohesion
影响政府的国际声望 hurts the government‘s international prestige
和黄主席李嘉诚 Hutchison chairman Li Ka Shing
和记环球电讯 Hutchison Global Communications