香港社会工作人员协会 Hong Kong Social Workers Association
香港社会工作者总工会 Hong Kong Social Workers General Union
香港目前的分化程度在近代史上是前所未见。 Hong Kong society is now polarized to an extent not seen in recent history.
香港会计师公会 Hong Kong Society of Accountants (HKSA)
香港康体发展局 Hong Kong Sports Development Board
香港仍有强大的外汇储备。 Hong Kong still had substantial foreign reserves to fall back on.
香港证券经纪业协会有限公司 Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association Limited(HKSA)
香港证券经纪业协会 Hong Kong Stockbrokers‘ Association
香港股市明显高开。 Hong Kong stocks open markedly higher.
受禽流感影响,港股周二低开百分之零点六。 Hong Kong stocks opened 0.6 per cent lower Tuesday as fears of the bird flu continued to weigh on sentiment.
受到和盈动合并传闻刺激,香港电讯昨日股价大升,带动港股再创新高。 Hong Kong stocks rose to a record high yesterday, driven by a surge in Cable & Wireless HKT shares on the possibility of a merger with Richard Li Tzar-kai‘s Pacific Century Cyberworks.
港大学生会会长张韵琪 Hong Kong students‘ union president Gloria Chang Wan-ki
香港社会工作者总工会 Hong Kong Social Workers General Union
香港目前的分化程度在近代史上是前所未见。 Hong Kong society is now polarized to an extent not seen in recent history.
香港会计师公会 Hong Kong Society of Accountants (HKSA)
香港康体发展局 Hong Kong Sports Development Board
香港仍有强大的外汇储备。 Hong Kong still had substantial foreign reserves to fall back on.
香港证券经纪业协会有限公司 Hong Kong Stockbrokers Association Limited(HKSA)
香港证券经纪业协会 Hong Kong Stockbrokers‘ Association
香港股市明显高开。 Hong Kong stocks open markedly higher.
受禽流感影响,港股周二低开百分之零点六。 Hong Kong stocks opened 0.6 per cent lower Tuesday as fears of the bird flu continued to weigh on sentiment.
受到和盈动合并传闻刺激,香港电讯昨日股价大升,带动港股再创新高。 Hong Kong stocks rose to a record high yesterday, driven by a surge in Cable & Wireless HKT shares on the possibility of a merger with Richard Li Tzar-kai‘s Pacific Century Cyberworks.
港大学生会会长张韵琪 Hong Kong students‘ union president Gloria Chang Wan-ki
香港税务学会副会长赵善改 Hong Kong Taxation Institute vice-president Chiu Sin-koi
香港旅游发展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board
香港贸易发展局 Hong Kong Trade Development Council
香港电车公司 Hong Kong Tramways Ltd.
香港隧道及高速公路管理公司 Hong Kong Tunnels and Highways Management Company
(前)港大校长郑耀宗 Hong Kong University vice-chancellor Cheung Yiu-chung
香港就二零零七年后应否落实民主意见分歧,讨论激烈。 Hong Kong was riven by a heated debate on whether democracy should be introduced by 2007.
香港缺乏高质素的普通话教师。 Hong Kong was suffering from a shortage of high-quality Putonghua teachers.
香港女工商及专业人员协会 Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association
香港青年旅社协会 Hong Kong Youth Hostels Association
香港非典型肺炎已过高峰期。 Hong Kong‘s atypical
香港的教育制度一向为考试而设。 Hong Kong‘s education has long been characterised by teaching to the test.
香港的教育制度没有教年轻人如何和异性相处。 Hong Kong‘s education system does not teach young people how to get along with the opposite sex.
香港实行民主选举的历史不长。 Hong Kong‘s history of democratic elections is not long.
由于港元和美元挂钩,港元利率将紧贴美元利率。 Hong Kong‘s interest rates closely track those in the US because of the territory‘s currency peg to the US dollar.
香港经济低迷,破产申请个案随之上升。 Hong Kong‘s slumping economy also caused a rise in bankruptcy applications.
情况令人忧虑。 Hong Kong‘s suicide rate is an
香港销量第三高报纸 Hong Kong‘s third biggest-selling newspaper
香港出生的 Hong Kong-borned
粤港合作联席会议 Hong Kong-Guangdong Co-operation Joint Conference
粤港环境保护联络小组 Hong Kong-Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group
香港上市内地公司 Hong Kong-listed mainland companies
港九百货业商会 Hongkong and Kowloon General Merchandise Merchants‘ Association
国务院港澳办公室 Hongkong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council
香港上海汇丰银行 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp.
香港电灯有限公司 Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd.
港联航空 HongKong Express
香港邮政 Hongkong Post
香港网公布截至六月三十日的半年业绩,纯利劲升。 on Tuesday reported a sharp rise in net profit for the six months ended June 30.
香港人较倾向维持现状。 Hongkongers are inclined to maintain the status quo.