广州白云机场 Guangzhou‘s Baiyun international airport
港穗直通巴士服务 Guangzhou-Hongkong express coach service
(古巴)关塔那摩湾 Guantanamo Bay
和投资挂勾的保证利润 guaranteed returns tied to investments
护卫犬 guard dog
守护天使 guardian angel
监护委员会 Guardianship Board
危地马拉(危地马拉) Guatemala(Guatemala City)
长者社区支持服务概览 Guidebook of Community Support Services for Elders
长者服务手册 Guidebooks on Services for Elders
制定指引 guidelines were formulated
基本纲领 guiding principle
港穗直通巴士服务 Guangzhou-Hongkong express coach service
(古巴)关塔那摩湾 Guantanamo Bay
和投资挂勾的保证利润 guaranteed returns tied to investments
护卫犬 guard dog
守护天使 guardian angel
监护委员会 Guardianship Board
危地马拉(危地马拉) Guatemala(Guatemala City)
长者社区支持服务概览 Guidebook of Community Support Services for Elders
长者服务手册 Guidebooks on Services for Elders
制定指引 guidelines were formulated
基本纲领 guiding principle
荷兰盾 guilder, G
白老鼠 guinea pigs
畿风亚(科纳克里) Guinea(Conakry)
海湾航空公司 Gulf Air
亚丁湾 Gulf of Aden
阿拉斯加湾 Gulf of Alaska
畿内亚湾 Gulf of Guinea
墨西哥湾 Gulf of Mexico
阿曼湾 Gulf of Oman
泰国湾 Gulf of Thailand
东京湾(越南)/北部湾 Gulf of Tonkin/Beibu Wan
容易上当的 gullible
枪械管制法例 gun-control laws
还听到零星枪声。 Gunfire could still be heard sporadically.
穿著避弹衣的枪手 gunmen clad in bulletproof jackets
枪击两名警员 gunning down two officers
枪手 gunslinger
妇科医师 gynecologist
妇科 gynecology
妇科病房 gynecology ward
石膏 gypsum
L G电子公司首席执行长金双秀Kim Ssang Su, CEO of LG Electronics Inc.
L G的市场占有率激增。
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