消防喉系统 fire hose reel system
消防栓、消防龙头 fire hydrant
火险 fire insurance
消防面具 fire mask
建筑物内的防火设施 fire safety installations in the building
消防处 Fire Services Department
消防训练学校 Fire Services Training School
消防局 fire station
消防船 fireboat
还火 fired back
向该名男子开了五枪 fired five shots into the man
十七个月内第四度解散国会 fired his fourth cabinet in 17 months
消防栓、消防龙头 fire hydrant
火险 fire insurance
消防面具 fire mask
建筑物内的防火设施 fire safety installations in the building
消防处 Fire Services Department
消防训练学校 Fire Services Training School
消防局 fire station
消防船 fireboat
还火 fired back
向该名男子开了五枪 fired five shots into the man
十七个月内第四度解散国会 fired his fourth cabinet in 17 months
向他们开火 fired on them
向某人发射催泪气和水炮 fired tear-gas and water cannon at somebody
对空鸣枪示警 fired warning shots in the air
消防员救出被困电梯内的三人。 Firefighters rescued
消防员 firefighters/firemen/fire officers
防火的 fireproof (a); a fireproof
防火墙 firewall
烈酒 firewater
公司间竞争之激烈是前所未有。 Firms are now facing fiercer competition than ever before.
急救箱 first aid kit
急救说明书 first aid manual
首日封 first day cover
在七月首度上庭 first made court appearances in July
首次犯罪者 first offenders
第一太平银行 First Pacific Bank Ltd.
头等 first-class
首宗本地感染个案 first-ever locally
首次置业人士 first-time home buyers
刺激经济的一篮子方案 fiscal stimulus package
鱼类统营处 Fish Marketing Organisation
水族箱、金鱼缸 fish tank
渔船 fishing fleet/fishing boat
渔港 fishing harbours
鱼村 fishing villages
拳头 fist
五种从内地入口的淡水鱼 five kinds of freshwater fish imported from the mainland
五个收费电视牌照 five licences to operate pay-television channels
为期五天的太空任务 five-day space mission
五星级酒店 five-star hotels
五年可换股债券 five-year convertible bond issue