虽然反对声音极多,百分之七十三的市民认为星期二的游行无法阻止立法。 Despite the groundswell of opposition, 73 per cent predicted the protest on Tuesday will have little bearing on the passage of the laws.
虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。 Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken.
暴君 despot
专制统治 despotic rule
不利于公务员稳定性 destabilise the civil service
赤贫 destitute
捣毁/推翻塔利班政权 destroy the Taleban
毁灭所有资本主义的象征 destroying every vestige of a market economy
破坏司法独立和法治 destroying judicial independence and the rule of law
支队、分遣部队 detachment
今日正式公布协议内容。 Details of the deal will be spelled out today.
扣留 detain
虽然经济困难,公共财政面临重重压力,但我们投资教育的决心丝毫未变。 Despite the pressure of economic downturn on public finances, our resolve to invest in education is unshaken.
暴君 despot
专制统治 despotic rule
不利于公务员稳定性 destabilise the civil service
赤贫 destitute
捣毁/推翻塔利班政权 destroy the Taleban
毁灭所有资本主义的象征 destroying every vestige of a market economy
破坏司法独立和法治 destroying judicial independence and the rule of law
支队、分遣部队 detachment
今日正式公布协议内容。 Details of the deal will be spelled out today.
扣留 detain
在早期发现癌症 detect the cancer at an early stage
侦测到冯女士的胎儿有异动 detected abnormal
破案难度 detection difficulties
阻止贿选 deter corruption
吓跑外资 deter foreign investment
阻吓物 deterant
止刊登相关广告,否则等同欺骗 determined health
确定难民身份 determining refugee status
引爆炸弹 detonate the device
底特律 Detroit
美元贬值 devaluation of the greenback
被他的死讯吓坏 devastated by his death
推动公关活动 develop a public-relations campaign
开发西伯利亚油田 develop a Siberian oilfield
传媒要注重社会责任 develop a socially responsible media
培养独立思考和批判思考 develop independent and critical thinking
发展核武 develop nuclear weapons
建立自信及健康的自我观念 develop self-confidence and a healthy self-concept
制作教材套 develop teaching kits
研发治疗方法 develop treatments
出现并发症 developed complications
(疾病)产生抗药性 developed immunity to
地产商昨天促请政府不要再干预市场,但行政长官坚称政府有决心稳定楼市。 Developers yesterday asked the government not to intervene again in the market, but Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa said the administration was determined to maintain stability in the sector.
患乳癌 developing breast cancer
发展化学武器 developing chemical weapons
开发珠三角西部 developing the western part of the PRD
虔诚的 devout
回教里的一种诵经,诵读神的九十九种名字 dhikr
糖尿病 diabetes
诊断 diagnose (vt)/diagnosis (n);