根德公爵夫人儿童医院 Duchess of Kent
不能兑现的支票 dud cheques
因买家反应欠佳/因为滞销 due to poor response from buyers
因为公立医院人手短缺 due to the
搜挖生还者 dug for survivors
通宵挖掘 dug through the night
(交投)淡静 dull/lackluster/light/negligible/quiet/slow/sluggish/thin/weak (trading)
投下水弹 dump water bombs
十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer
十二指肠 duodenum
被骗的人 dupe (n)
欺骗 dupe (vt); dupe sb into doing sth
不能兑现的支票 dud cheques
因买家反应欠佳/因为滞销 due to poor response from buyers
因为公立医院人手短缺 due to the
搜挖生还者 dug for survivors
通宵挖掘 dug through the night
(交投)淡静 dull/lackluster/light/negligible/quiet/slow/sluggish/thin/weak (trading)
投下水弹 dump water bombs
十二指肠溃疡 duodenal ulcer
十二指肠 duodenum
被骗的人 dupe (n)
欺骗 dupe (vt); dupe sb into doing sth
在例行巡房时 during a regular ward
在三月五日的行政会议上 during an Executive Council meeting on March 5
在她任内 during her tenure
于早上和傍晚繁忙时段 during morning and evening peak hours
在办公时间 during office hours
在经济高增长年代 during the high-growth years
在赤柬统治时代 during the Khmer Rouge‘s rule
在其亚洲之行进行最后一站访问时 during the latest leg of his Asia
在雨季 during the rainy season
在中华人民共和国建国初期的动乱年代 during the tumultuous early years of the People‘s Republic of China
垃圾袋 dustbin liner/dustbin bag
(屋外的)垃圾桶 dustbin/garbage can(AmE)
编更 duty rosters???
述职 duty visit
免税店 duty-free shop
详细论述某事 dwell on something
大部分人都接受染发。 Dyed hair was widely accepted by the general public
把头发染成黑色以外的颜色 dyeing their hair a colour other than black
以炸药爆破 dynamite
痢疾 dysentery
阅读障碍 dyslexia
患有阅读障碍症的儿童 dyslexic children
有阅读障碍的儿童 dyslexic kids
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