港澳办副主任陈佐洱 Chen Zuoer, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
成都 Chengdu
有四十万元银行票据遭退票 cheques worth $400,000 bounced
胸 chest
长洲 Cheung Chau
长洲东堤小筑 Cheung Chau‘s Bella Vista
张学明 Cheung Hok-ming
在昨日的本年最后一次卖地,长实以十三亿四千万投得西九龙临海地王,击倒四个竞投对手。 Cheung Kong (Holdings) beat four rivals to take a prime residential site on the West Kowloon waterfront for $1.34 billion at yesterday‘s final Government auction for this year.
长江实业副主席李泽钜 Cheung Kong (Holdings) deputy Chairman Victor Li Tzar-kuoi
社会工作者总工会会长张国柱 Cheung Kwok-che, chairman of the Hong Kong Social Workers‘ General Union
家庭与学校合作事宜委员会主席张国华 Cheung Kwok-wah, chairman of the Home-School Co-operation Committee
张文光 Cheung Man-kwong
成都 Chengdu
有四十万元银行票据遭退票 cheques worth $400,000 bounced
胸 chest
长洲 Cheung Chau
长洲东堤小筑 Cheung Chau‘s Bella Vista
张学明 Cheung Hok-ming
在昨日的本年最后一次卖地,长实以十三亿四千万投得西九龙临海地王,击倒四个竞投对手。 Cheung Kong (Holdings) beat four rivals to take a prime residential site on the West Kowloon waterfront for $1.34 billion at yesterday‘s final Government auction for this year.
长江实业副主席李泽钜 Cheung Kong (Holdings) deputy Chairman Victor Li Tzar-kuoi
社会工作者总工会会长张国柱 Cheung Kwok-che, chairman of the Hong Kong Social Workers‘ General Union
家庭与学校合作事宜委员会主席张国华 Cheung Kwok-wah, chairman of the Home-School Co-operation Committee
张文光 Cheung Man-kwong
象鼻山路 Cheung Pei Shan Road
长沙湾 Cheung Sha Wan
长青隧道 Cheung Tsing Tunnel
口香糖/香口胶 chewing gum
芝麻湾戒毒所 Chi Ma Wan Drug Addition Treatment Centre
蒋介石 Chiang Kai-shek
时髦的购物区 chic shopping district
芝加哥 Chicago
芝加哥太阳时报 Chicago Sun Times
芝加哥论坛报 Chicago Tribune
鸡精 chicken essence
麦乐鸡 Chicken McNuggets
鸡粉 chicken powder
水痘 chicken pox/varicella
鸡农 chicken producers
??? chickens carrying H5 virus antibodies
台湾《壹周刊》总编辑裴伟 chief editor Pei Wei
总选举事务主任李荣 Chief Electoral Officer Mr Li Wing
运输署总工程师曾景文 chief engineer Tsang King-man
医管局行政总裁何兆炜 Chief executive
澳门行政长官何厚铧 Chief Executive Edmund Ho Hau-wah
特首热门人选 chief executive hopefuls
特首董建华 Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa
特首董建华昨日获委任为全国政协的港区委员。 Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa was yesterday appointed as a delegate to the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference.
失业率将创新高,预料将超过百分之八。特首董建华昨日宣布再拨款七亿,制造三万二千个临时职位和培训学额,予青年和中年人士。 Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa yesterday provided a further $700 million to create 32,000 temporary jobs and training places for young people and the middle-aged, a move that comes as Hong Kong‘s jobless rate looks set to top 8 per cent.
行政长官办公室 Chief Executive‘s Office
财务长 chief financial officer (CFO)
首席法官李国能 Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok-nang
政务司司长曾荫权将任署理特首。 Chief Secretary Donald Tsang Yam-kuen will step in as acting chief executive.
(前)政务司司长曾荫权 Chief Secretary for Administration Mr Donald Tsang Yam-kuen