假史丹福学位 bogus Stanford degree
玻利维亚(苏克雷/拉巴斯) Bolivia(Sucre/La Paz)
振兴经济 bolster the economy
促进旅游业发展 bolstering the development of the tourism sector
拆弹专家 bomb disposal officers
孟买 Bombay
轰炸机 bomber
误炸 bombing error
债券 bonds
骨头 bone
骨髓 bone marrow
骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantation
玻利维亚(苏克雷/拉巴斯) Bolivia(Sucre/La Paz)
振兴经济 bolster the economy
促进旅游业发展 bolstering the development of the tourism sector
拆弹专家 bomb disposal officers
孟买 Bombay
轰炸机 bomber
误炸 bombing error
债券 bonds
骨头 bone
骨髓 bone marrow
骨髓移植 bone marrow transplantation
跌打医生 bone-setter
书展 book exhibition
摩门经 Book of Mormon
帐面值 book value
书柜 bookcase
赌波集团 bookmaker/soccer betting syndicate
书店 bookstores
新兴都市 boomtown
提高竞争力 boost competitiveness
刺激消费 boost consumption
提高(市民)环保意识 boost environmental awareness
提升民望 boost his popularity
二零零七年之前七成市民拥有自置物业 boost home ownership to 70 per cent by 2007
提升香港的国际形象 boost Hong Kong‘s international image
提升港人语文水平 boost Hong Kong‘s language standards
扩大军事对话 boost military exchange
带动薄扶林区楼市向好 boost property sales in Pokfulam
提升教师士气和教育质素 boost teacher morale and the quality of education
刺激楼市 boost the property market
提升香港在国际社会的地位 boost the SAR‘s position in the international community
激励第二和第三梯队成员 boost the second and third-tier members
加强教育,遏止毒品 boosting anti-drug education
提升士气,促进社会团结 boosting morale and social unity
刺激二手楼市场 boosting the secondary housing market
走私的 bootleg
走私盒带和唱片 bootleg tapes and CDs
波尔多 Bordeaux(France)
会加强边境的巡逻及防御工作 border controls would be beefed up
先天有缺陷 born with congenital malformations
向亲友借钱 borrow money from relatives and friends