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由于燃油现时占营运成本的四分之一以上,航空公司在油价上涨时特别容易受到打击。    Because fuel now accounts for more than a quarter of operating costs, airlines are particularly vulnerable to rising oil prices.

因为怕留堂    because of the fear of getting a detention

因为收生不足    because of under-enrolment of students

碧咸的无数亚洲球迷可为皇马带来数以百万计美元的商品收入。    Beckham‘s legions of Asian fans could bring Real millions in merchandising revenue.

成为联合国安理会常任理事国    become a permanent member of the United Nations Security Councl

只要牠们性方面成熟,就会变得很有侵略性    become aggressive once they reached sexual maturity

变得和时代及人民脱节    become archaic and disconnected from their citizens

成为电盈的第二大股东    become PCCW‘s second-largest shareholder

因崇尚节食而导致体重过轻    becoming underweight because they were obsessed with dieting

啤酒    beer

甜菜根    Beetroot

郑经翰参选立法会选举前,必须先放弃加拿大护照,以符合基本法规定。    Before he could run for Legco, Cheng would have to forsake his Canadian passport to comply with the Basic Law.

在收市前    before the market closes

怠工    began a go-slow

进行紧急插喉/插管    began an emergency

无了期地不再在苹果日报属下报刊卖广告    began an indefinite advertising ban on all Apple Group publications

开始和成克杰亲热    began an intimate

开始反弹    began clawing back some of their losses

开始还火    began returning fire

1993年开始合谋    began their collaboration in 1993

九八年十一月开始面临通缩    began to experience deflation in November 1998

恳求宽大    begging for leniency

在丹麦展开试验计划    begin a pilot program in Denmark

在三十岁或四十岁后才开始生育    begin childbearing in

中国的汇率改革自九四年开始,至今仍未有停止。    Beijing had never ceased reforming the exchange-rate regime since it was introduced in 1994.

张惠妹在台湾总统就职典礼上唱中华民国国歌,遭中国政府封杀。    Beijing has pulled the plug on Taiwanese pop star Sherry Chang Huei-mei for singing the island‘s national anthem at President Chen Shui-bian‘s inauguration.

被逮捕并移交国际法庭    being arrested and turned over to an international court

出现技术故障    being beset by technical hitches

旧式热水炉漏电夺命    being electrocuted by an

获发港岛区(巴士)专利权    being granted a franchise licence for Hong Kong Island

遭一名饮醉酒的司机驾车从后相撞    being hit in a

被警员抬走    being man-handled by offices

被排斥    being ostracised

业务过杂    being over-diversified

民意取向令(官员)遭人取笑    being pilloried in the court of public opinion

不被学院取录    being refused admission to college

受催泪弹袭击而驱散    being repelled by tear gas

奉承老师    being sycophantic to teachers

被某人针对    being targeted by somebody

白俄罗斯(明斯克)    Belarus(Minsk/Mensk)

比利时(布鲁塞尔)    Belgium(Brussels)

相信中国不会动武    believe Beijing will not go beyond verbal attack

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