组合船 fabricated ship面材 face bar
表面弯曲 face bend
叶面空蚀 face cavitation
叶面螺距 face pitch; norminal pitch
面板;[滑车]外壳 face plate
表面弯曲试片 face-bend specimen
舱区划分因数 factor of subivision
顺曲线 fair curve
现场矫正 fair in place
导索器 fair leader
顺线;修正线 fair line
导水板 fair water piece
整顺 fairing
半圆空心加强材 falf round stiffener with hollow core
吊索;滑车索;落差 fall
舷缘内倾 falling in; falling home
舷缘外倾 falling out; flaring
假底 false bottom
龙骨护板 false keel
风扇罩 fan casing
扇形艉 fantail stern
板弯艏材 fashion plate stern
快速船 fast steamer
测量索 fathom line
疲劳试验 fatigue test
管口接合 faucet joint; spigot joint
接合面 faying surface
槽嵌接头{木材} feather and groove board
明轮 feathering paddle wheel; paddle wheel
回动推进器 feathering propeller; reversing propeller
可调舷梯踏板 feathering step
外水箱;给水柜;给水槽;给水池 feed tank
备用给水柜 feed water reserve tank; reserve feed water tank
护舷[材];碰垫 fender
钢筋水泥船壳 ferro-cement hull
钢筋水泥船 ferro-cement vessel; ferro-concrete vessel
渡船 ferry; ferry boat; passage boat
桅栓;解绳锥;插绳锥 fid
栓顶桅 fidded top mast
船饰 fiddle head
炉舱 fiddley
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