工作态度 work attitude
包干到户 work contracted to household
工作习惯 work habits
惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep one‘s business going
工时长 work long hours
在地盘工作 work on construction sites
工程监工 work supervisors
团结一致对抗肺炎 work together to
和社会各界携手合作,达致维持香港繁荣稳定的目标 work together with different sectors of society to achieve the goal of maintaining Hong Kong‘s prosperity and stability
和国际社会合作 work with the international community
带氧气面罩 worked in oxygen masks
低学历工人 workers with low-levels of education
包干到户 work contracted to household
工作习惯 work habits
惨淡经营 work hard and carefully to keep one‘s business going
工时长 work long hours
在地盘工作 work on construction sites
工程监工 work supervisors
团结一致对抗肺炎 work together to
和社会各界携手合作,达致维持香港繁荣稳定的目标 work together with different sectors of society to achieve the goal of maintaining Hong Kong‘s prosperity and stability
和国际社会合作 work with the international community
带氧气面罩 worked in oxygen masks
低学历工人 workers with low-levels of education
总劳动人口/全体员工 workforce
在极大压力下工作 working under immense pressure
书法作品 works of calligraphy
按章工作 work-to-rule
世界经济论坛 World Economic Forum
世界粮食理事会 World Food Council
世界禁烟日 World No Tobacco Day
世界无线电会议 World Radiocommunication Conference (简称 WRC )
世界防止自杀日 World Suicide Prevention Day
联合国社会发展首脑会义 World Summit for Social Development
全球信息网 World Wide Web (简称 WWW )
世界级大学 world-class universities
依然担心会裁员 worried about being laid off from work
很多家长昨日致电教署和其它志愿团体热线,投诉派位不理想。 Worried parents flooded Education Department and voluntary organisations‘ hotlines yesterday, voicing discontent over their children‘s Secondary One allocations.
担心免疫系统会和(移植回来的器官)排斥 worry about
令交通挤塞恶化 worsening traffic jams/worsening traffic conjestion/have an inverse impact on traffic
崇拜、礼拜 worship (u)/(vi)(vt); attend worship
拜祭祖先 worship their ancestors
崇洋媚外 worship things foreign and fawn on foreign countries
会依良心办事 would act according to his conscience
会采取措施防止暴力事件重现 would adopt measures to prevent a repeat of such violence
几乎肯定会被判处死刑 would almost certainly face the death penalty
会对判决提出上诉 would appeal against their convictions
会加薪 would award a pay rise
会拆卸改建豪宅 would be demolished in favour of luxury housing
将会装上八达通收费机 would be fitted with Octopus system
被迫采取工业行动 would be forced to take industrial action
会遭遣散或调派做其它工作 would be laid off or offered alternative work
可被判监一年 would be liable to imprisonment for a year
将于三年内强制执行 would be made