安息日 Sabbath
裁减本地人手逾四分一 sacked more than a quarter of its Hong Kong workforce
圣礼、圣典 sacrament
为了温习而不睡觉 sacrifice sleep for revision
为国捐躯 sacrificed their lives for the country /gave their lives for their country
侯塞因/萨达姆 Saddam Hussein
虐待狂倾向的 sadistic
茶道 sado
保卫中国主权和领土完整 safeguard China‘s sovereignty and territorial integrity
保障资金自由流通 safeguard the free flow of information and capital
维护国民及消费者权益 Safeguard the rights and interests of the public and the consumer
维护妇女权益 safeguard the rights and interests of women
裁减本地人手逾四分一 sacked more than a quarter of its Hong Kong workforce
圣礼、圣典 sacrament
为了温习而不睡觉 sacrifice sleep for revision
为国捐躯 sacrificed their lives for the country /gave their lives for their country
侯塞因/萨达姆 Saddam Hussein
虐待狂倾向的 sadistic
茶道 sado
保卫中国主权和领土完整 safeguard China‘s sovereignty and territorial integrity
保障资金自由流通 safeguard the free flow of information and capital
维护国民及消费者权益 Safeguard the rights and interests of the public and the consumer
维护妇女权益 safeguard the rights and interests of women
捍卫国土完整 safeguard the territorial integrity
防撞栏 safety barriers/safety rails/road safety
安全耳罩 safety earmuff
安全第一,预防为主 Safety first, precaution crucial.
安全护目镜 safety googles
月台幕门 safety screen doors
安全背心 safety vest
西贡海 Sai Kung Hoi/Inner Port Shelter
西沙路 Sai Sha Road
西湾河 Sai Wan Ho
西营盘 Sai Ying Pun
在电视直播中现身说 said in a live television appearance
强调这场大火不是(通用)的错 said it was not at fault for the blaze
在商台节目中表示 said on a Commercial Radio programme that
在一个港台节目中表示 said on an RTHK radio programme
在她任内最后一天说道 said on her last day at the department
透过卫星转播说 said over satellite relay
认为茶点费物无所值 said snack fees were not value for money
表示若然政府不就削资问题全面咨询学生意见,学生会罢课 said students would boycott classes if the government did not fully consult them on the funding cuts
萨哈林岛/库页岛 Sakhalin
薪俸税 salaries tax
租者置其屋计划 Sale of Rental Flats Scheme
胡仙 Sally Aw Sian
向欢乐的支持者致谢 saluted joyous supporters
香港撒玛利亚防止自杀会 Samaritan Befrienders HK
不过夜的旅客 same-day visitors
舢板/舢舨 sampan
仿真试题/仿真试卷 sample test papers
已抽取怀疑有问题的带子作为样本。 Samples of the
旧金山纪事报 San Francisco Chronicle
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