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通讯及新闻传媒词汇翻译    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
主任委员    C hairman

参事    C ounselor

香港电讯    Cable & Wireless Hongkong Telecom

有线电视调制解调器    Cable Modem 7-7

剖腹产子    caesarean section

笼屋    cage homes

饼卡    cake coupons

蓄意防碍钟的学术自由    calculated to inhibit his right to academic freedom

呼吁大家罢工    call a strike

呼吁要克制    call for restraint

指定转接    Call Forwarding

电话召来的妓女/应召女郎    call girl

结束罢工行动    call off a strike

表示公务繁忙,取消行程    call off the visit and blame a busy schedule

取消封山行动    call off their planned blockade of the Big Buddha

中止抗争行动    call off their protest

呼吁企业尽社会责任    call on corporates to be socially responsible

要求某人做某事    call on somebody to do something

(法官)中止聆讯    called a halt to proceedings

召开本星期的第三次紧急会议    called a third emergency meeting this week

呼吁以色列立即撤军    called for an immediate pull-back of Israeli forces

呼吁民主派和中央政府要和解    called for conciliation between the democracy camp and the central government

呼吁两岸直接三通,无须经过第三个机场    called for direct flights with Taiwan that did not have to route through a third airport

要求立即释放他    called for his immediate release

建议统一卷标    called for labelling to be unified

要求加强监管鸡场    called for more

要求增援    called for reinforcements

促请政府简化程序    called for the cutting of government red tape

要求董建华下台    called for the downfall of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa/urged Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to step down

呼吁党政分家    called for the separation of power between party legislators and party leaders

打长途电话给我    called me long-distance

来话号码识别    Called Number Identification (简称 CLI )

取消所有竞选活动    called off all campaigning activities

结束在货柜码头的罢驶行动    called off their blockade of Kwai Chung terminal

要求陈水扁总统公开枪击事件真相    called on Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to come clean on the assassination attempt

叫救伤车/召唤救护车    called the

指三名资深民主党立法会议员不爱国,因为他们反对二十三条    called three veteran Democrat legislators unpatriotic for actions such as opposing Article 23 of the Basic Law

来电显示    caller number display/calling identity delivery (CID)

电话卡业务    Calling card service

要求还政于民    calling for ‘‘returning power to the people‘‘

要求人民币立即升值    calling for an immediate appreciation of the yuan

要求把他逐出党    calling for his expulsion from the party

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