烟草酸/维他命 B3 Vitamin B3/Niacin/Nicotinic Acid
班多生酸/维他命 B5泛酸Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid
婴儿配方奶粉 baby formulas
单身汉 bachelor/unmarried man/single man
撤回较早前对下半年的盈利预测 backed away from its previous forecasts for the second half of the year
背靠内地,面向世界 backed by the Mainland and engaged globally
为支持工业而不实行环保政策 backed the trade rather than clean-up measures
赞助商 backers
后座乘客 back-seat passengers
暗箭伤人 back-stabbing
后备电源/后备供电系统 back-up power system
备份 backup/back up
班多生酸/维他命 B5泛酸Vitamin B5/Pantothenic Acid
婴儿配方奶粉 baby formulas
单身汉 bachelor/unmarried man/single man
撤回较早前对下半年的盈利预测 backed away from its previous forecasts for the second half of the year
背靠内地,面向世界 backed by the Mainland and engaged globally
为支持工业而不实行环保政策 backed the trade rather than clean-up measures
赞助商 backers
后座乘客 back-seat passengers
暗箭伤人 back-stabbing
后备电源/后备供电系统 back-up power system
备份 backup/back up
不正之风 bad (harmful) practice; unhealthy tendency
呆坏帐 bad and doubtful debts
呆坏帐拨备减少 bad debt provisions fall???
严重腐烂的(内脏) badly decomposed
受重伤的人 badly injured people
唱衰香港 badmouthing Hong Kong
巴芬岛 Baffin Island
行李带 baggage carousel
巴林(麦纳麦) Bahrain(Manama)
差额拨款 balance allocation
透过开源节流,在二零零六年前达致收支平衡 balance the books by 2006 through cost-cutting and revenue generation
平衡各方利益 balance the interests of different sectors
协调社会各阶层、各界别的利益 balance the interests of different social strata and sectors
高明地平衡党内各派系 balancing internal factions skillfully
巴利亚里群岛 Balearic Islands
于投票日禁止拉票 ban canvassing on polling day
在公众地方禁烟 ban smoking in certain public areas
禁止进行干细胞研究 ban stem-cell research
禁止使用粮食农作物来制药 ban the use
包扎头部伤口 bandaged his head
联手入禀控告电盈主席(李泽楷) banded together to sue the Pacific Century CyberWorks (PCCW) chairman
专门打劫游人的强盗/土匪 bandits
万隆 Bandung
信号的频宽 Bandwidth of Signal
班加罗尔 Bangalore
曼谷航空公司 Bangkok Airways
泰国证交所指数 Bangkok SET Index
孟加拉(达卡) Bangladesh(Dhaka)
去寒去暑 banish excessive heat and cold
东亚银行 Bank of East Asia Ltd.
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