仁济医院 Yan Chai Hospital
中国首位航天员杨利伟 Yang Liwei, China‘s first man in space
长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
从南韩撤出资金 yank money from South Korea
盐田港 Yantian port
靖国神社 Yasukuni shrine
油塘 Yau Tong
油麻地小轮公司 Yaumati Ferry Company
公元二千年数字问题 year 2000 problem
黄色告警 Yellow Alarm
黄点 yellow spot
黄脚腊 Yellow-Finned Seabream
中国首位航天员杨利伟 Yang Liwei, China‘s first man in space
长江三角洲 Yangtze River delta
从南韩撤出资金 yank money from South Korea
盐田港 Yantian port
靖国神社 Yasukuni shrine
油塘 Yau Tong
油麻地小轮公司 Yaumati Ferry Company
公元二千年数字问题 year 2000 problem
黄色告警 Yellow Alarm
黄点 yellow spot
黄脚腊 Yellow-Finned Seabream
日圆 yen, ¥
环境的确艰难,但港人应和政府团结一致,以积极思想共创未来。 Yes, things are bad, but it‘s up to the community working together with the government to think about the positives and to think about how we can create a future for ourselves.
九广铁路主席杨启彦 Yeung Kai-yin, Chief Executive of the Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation
杨贯一 Yeung Koon-yat
杨森 Yeung Sum
紫杉(提取紫杉素) yew
盐业银行 Yien Yieh Commercial Bank Ltd.
叶继欢 Yip Kai-foon
你要和来自不同时区的人协调。 You need to co-ordinate with all the people across all the time zones.
你利用孩子们因你是他们的前度褓姆,对你信任而犯案。 You took advantage of the trust these children placed in you as their ex-amah.
滥用药物的青年人 young drug abusers
年轻夫妇 young married couples
青少年罪犯评估项目小组 Young Offender Assessment Panel
一项调查发现,本港年青人比其它亚洲国家的年青人对毒品、喝酒和一夜情等方面持较开放态度。 Young people in Hong Kong are more rebellious and liberal in their attitudes to drugs, alcohol and casual sex than their counterparts in other Asian countries, a survey has concluded.
(民主党)少壮派 Young Turks
节瓜 Young Wax Gourd
你的思维太保守和亲政府。 Your way of thinking is too conservative and too pro-government.
展翅计划 Youth Pre-employment Training Programme (YPTP)
青年自雇支持计划 Youth Self-employment Support Scheme
青少年见习就业计划 Youth Work Experience and Training Scheme (YWETS)
青少年聚集的原宿 youth-centric Harajuku
远华集团 Yuan Hua Group
人民币政策 yuan policy
元朗公路 Yuen Long Highway
南斯拉夫(贝尔格莱德) Yugoslavia(Belgrade)
李云迪 Yundi Li
榕树湾 Yung Shue Wan
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