为二手买家提供首年 P-3.5厘的按揭优惠利率offer second-hand home buyers a mortgage rate at 3.5 percentage points below prime for the first year
越南太平洋 Pacific Airlines
电讯盈科今年首六个月业绩转亏为盈,录得九亿三千五百万元纯利,较预期理想。 Pacific Century Cyberworks returned to the black with a better-than-expected net profit of $935 million in the first six months of the year.
盈科拓展集团 Pacific Century Group
盈科保险 Pacific Century Insurance
太平洋数码卫视 Pacific Digital Media
太平洋 Pacific Ocean
太平洋电信协会 Pacific Telecommunications Council (简称 PTC )
安抚 pacify
安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪 pacifying the jittery mood of his people
每日执书包 pack their school bags each day
成套引进 package import
越南太平洋 Pacific Airlines
电讯盈科今年首六个月业绩转亏为盈,录得九亿三千五百万元纯利,较预期理想。 Pacific Century Cyberworks returned to the black with a better-than-expected net profit of $935 million in the first six months of the year.
盈科拓展集团 Pacific Century Group
盈科保险 Pacific Century Insurance
太平洋数码卫视 Pacific Digital Media
太平洋 Pacific Ocean
太平洋电信协会 Pacific Telecommunications Council (简称 PTC )
安抚 pacify
安抚国民惊惶不安的情绪 pacifying the jittery mood of his people
每日执书包 pack their school bags each day
成套引进 package import
包装业 package industry
配封机 Packet Assembler Disassembler (简称 PAD )
分封交换式数据通信 Packet Switching Data Communication Service (简称 PACNET )
分封交换网络 Packet Switching Network
分封交换公众数据网络 Packet Switching Public Digital Network (简称 PSPDN )
分封型终端设备 Packet-Data Terminal Equipment (简称 P-DTE )
每秒封包数 Packets Per Second (pps)
中华民国公众式分封交换数据网络 PACNET
无线电叫人营运处理系统 Pager Billing and Management System (简称 BMS/PAGER )
无线电叫人基地台 Paging Base Station (简称 PBS )
无线电叫人控制终端机 Paging Control Terminal (简称 PCT )
缴付九十五万元赎金 paid a ransom of $950, 000
以破纪录五千五百万元现金保释候讯 paid a record $55
去年单是付利息就用了二十三亿六千万元 paid a total of $2.36 billion in interest alone last year
赂贿骑师,制造赛果 paid riders to rig results
在九八年楼价高位时买楼,现时变成负资产 paid top dollar for their homes in 1998 and today are sunk in a ‘‘negative equity‘‘ trap
苦心建立 painstakingly built up
浓妆艳抹的小姐 painted women
画 paintings
不同时期的画作、雕塑、滚动条和屏风 paintings, sculptures, scrolls and screens from various periods
北潭涌 Pak Tam Chung
巴基斯坦航空 Pakistan International Airlines
巴基斯坦(伊斯兰堡) Pakistan(Islamabad)
巴基斯坦总理谢里夫 Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
惬意的 palatable
帛琉亚太航空公司 Palau Asia Pacific Air, Inc
古生物学者 paleontologist
巴解组织主席阿巴斯 Palestine Liberation Organisation chairman Mahmoud Abbas
巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法 Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
巴勒斯坦难民 Palestinian refugees
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