不再注资 withdrew their financial support
扣留廖先生的旅游证件 withheld Mr Liu‘s travel documents
不公开疑犯名字 withhold the names of the arrested
停止给予津贴 withholding subsidies
发卡后四星期内 within four weeks after card issuance
没有医生指示 without advice from doctors
无条件地 without preconditions
没有天时、地利、人和 without the conjunction of timing, location and human relationships
分红保单 with-profits policy
证人栏 witness box/witness stand(AmE)
目睹樊敏仪遭虐打 witnessed Fan being assaulted
目击事件的发生 witnessed the incident
扣留廖先生的旅游证件 withheld Mr Liu‘s travel documents
不公开疑犯名字 withhold the names of the arrested
停止给予津贴 withholding subsidies
发卡后四星期内 within four weeks after card issuance
没有医生指示 without advice from doctors
无条件地 without preconditions
没有天时、地利、人和 without the conjunction of timing, location and human relationships
分红保单 with-profits policy
证人栏 witness box/witness stand(AmE)
目睹樊敏仪遭虐打 witnessed Fan being assaulted
目击事件的发生 witnessed the incident
和合石 Wo Hop Shek
和合石坟场 Wo Hop Shek Cemetery
患乳癌的女性 women diagnosed with breast cancer
慰安妇 women forced into sexual slavery by the
快生孩子的孕妇/大肚婆 women in advanced stages of
适龄生育的女性 women of child-bearing age
适婚年龄的女性 women of marriageable age
罹患早期乳癌的女性 women with
妇女事务委员会 Women‘s Commission
女性运动 women‘s movement
妇女组织/妇女团体 women‘s organization/women‘s groups
他的改革赢得赞同 won endorsement for his reforms
博得保守派的好感 won him the affection of conservatives
在较低级别法院时胜诉 won in lower courts
去年底获得落地权,播放新的普通话频道 won landing rights for new Mandarin-language channels late last year
得到自由党支持 won Liberal Party backing
得到公众支持 won public support
在补选中获胜 won relection
获诺贝尔物理奖 won the Nobel Prize for Physics
赢得二零零零年总统大选 won the presidency in 2000
南韩圜(音圆) won, W
不会动用联合国安理会否决权来阻止美国攻打伊拉克 won‘t use its U.N. Security Council veto to block an Iraq invasion
黄竹坑 Wong Chuk Hang
黄竹坑医院 Wong Chuk Hang Hospital
王国兴 Wong Kwok-hing
黄泥涌峡 Wong Nai Chung Gap
黄定光 Wong Ting-kwong
黄容根 Wong Yung-kan
云吞面 wonton noodles
木板吧台 wood-slab bar