永隆银行 Wing Lung Bank Ltd.
温尼伯 Winnipeg
保护海港协会主席徐嘉慎 Winston Chu Ka-sun, chairman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour
椰菜花 Winter Cauliflower
于二零零六至零七年度达至收支平衡 wipe out the budget deficit by 2006-07
屠杀一百四十万只鸡 wiping out 1.4 million chickens
无线局域网络 Wireless LAN
无线区域网卡 Wireless LAN Card
无线局域网络通讯 Wireless LAN Communication
无线用户回路 Wireless Local Loop ( 简称 WLL)
无线定位 Wireless Location
无线行动通讯 Wireless Mobile Communication
温尼伯 Winnipeg
保护海港协会主席徐嘉慎 Winston Chu Ka-sun, chairman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour
椰菜花 Winter Cauliflower
于二零零六至零七年度达至收支平衡 wipe out the budget deficit by 2006-07
屠杀一百四十万只鸡 wiping out 1.4 million chickens
无线局域网络 Wireless LAN
无线区域网卡 Wireless LAN Card
无线局域网络通讯 Wireless LAN Communication
无线用户回路 Wireless Local Loop ( 简称 WLL)
无线定位 Wireless Location
无线行动通讯 Wireless Mobile Communication
智能齿 wisdom teeth
希望陈水扁和吕秀莲早日康复 wished Mr
脚部中枪 with a gunshot wound to his leg
联系汇率,加上内地的低廉物价水平和政府的减免措施,令经济学家认为通缩仍会持续。 With a pegged dollar, a cheap mainland market and government rebates, economists see no end in sight to deflation.
电盈在如此短时间内配股集资八亿美元,股价难免受压,但对长期投资者而言这正是趁低吸纳的大好时机。 With a US$800 million share placement in such a short time, it is not a surprise that PCCW shares would be under pressure, but at the current price it would be a good buy for long-term investors.
未来两年有大约五万个新单位落成,有关当局须采取明智行动,防止楼价再度下滑。 With about 50,000 new flats due to be completed over the next two years, sensible steps need to be taken to arrest further erosion of values.
有禽流感症状 with bird-flu symptoms
手沾满血,脸给烟熏黑 with bloodied hands and a face
以每日复息计算 with daily compound interest
有生育问题 with fertility problems
随着经济好转和投资增加,会有更多就业机会。 With further improvement in our economy and an increase in investment, more employment opportunities will follow.
欠下很多卡数 with heavy credit-card bills
杀人不眨眼 with little or no respect for human life
没有刑事纪录 with no criminal record
没有明显病征 with no obvious symptoms
无犯罪纪录 with no previous convictions
(指年青人)没有刑事纪录 with no previous record of delinquency
只受过最基本的作战训练 with only minimal combat training
被警方追捕 with police in pursuit
日本股市正徘徊在十九年来的低谷 with the Japanese stock market teetering around 19-year lows
因行为良好提早出狱 with time off for good behaviour
别有用心 with ulterior motives???
放弃投资 withdraw investments
召回驻某地的大使人员 withdraw its ambassadors in somewhere
撤销提出第二次选举无效的诉讼 withdraw its second lawsuit seeking to nullify the election
不再屡行做某事的诺言 withdraw one‘s commitment to do something
撒走资金 withdraw their funds
退选 withdrawal/withdraw from the poll
退出六国谈判 withdrew from six-nation negotiations
收回预算草案 withdrew his budget proposals