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在未来五年每年经济增长率可达百分之七 will achieve an average seven per cent growth rate in the coming five years
亦会在科学馆展出 will also be put on display at the Science Museum
也会着重民生议题 will also centre on livelihood issues
能够在春节乘搭包机回家 will be able to take charter flights back home for the Lunar New Year holidays
不敢出席下年的集会 will be deterred from attending next year‘s vigil
将在香港被取缔 will be proscribed in Hong Kong
将会自动当选 will be returned unopposed/will be returned uncontested
将会被歧视 will be subject to harsh discrimination
认真考虑 will be taken seriously into consideration
下个月完成实习 will complete her internship next month
会协助调查 will co-operate with any investigations
在未来五年每年经济增长率可达百分之七 will achieve an average seven per cent growth rate in the coming five years
亦会在科学馆展出 will also be put on display at the Science Museum
也会着重民生议题 will also centre on livelihood issues
能够在春节乘搭包机回家 will be able to take charter flights back home for the Lunar New Year holidays
不敢出席下年的集会 will be deterred from attending next year‘s vigil
将在香港被取缔 will be proscribed in Hong Kong
将会自动当选 will be returned unopposed/will be returned uncontested
将会被歧视 will be subject to harsh discrimination
认真考虑 will be taken seriously into consideration
下个月完成实习 will complete her internship next month
会协助调查 will co-operate with any investigations
九月加价后,未来一年收益会增加五亿五千万元 will earn an extra $550 million in revenue from the higher fees by September next year
将会面临重大考验 will face a major test
今年会跌至一万至一万二千点水平 will fall to the range of 10,000 to 12,000 this year
会继续秉承优良传统 will follow their fine traditions
须要补地价 will have to pay a higher land premium
会在今年投入印度的就业市场 will hit the job market in India this year
将在落马洲/皇岗口岸实行二十四小时人流通关 will implement 24-hour passenger clearance at Lok Ma Chau/Huanggang
能冲淡一些影响 will mitigate some of the implications
施政时不会再为党内纠纷所掣肘 will no longer be hamstrung by its internal bickerings in carrying out his policies
不承诺放弃使用武力 will not commit ourselves to rule out the use of force
不会引入西方多党式的民主政制 will not introduce Western-style multi-party democracy
不会容忍员工偷懒/不会容忍散慢的员工 will not tolerate slack staff
不会容忍过分散慢的管理 will not tolerate unreasonably slack managemen
不会容忍浪费公帑 will not tolerate wastefulness in the public coffers
会提供数以百计的职位空缺 will offer several hundred vacancies
会亲自接见连战 will receive Lien Chan in person
廷长服务时间 will run extended services
会测量该卫星上的空气的化学成分 will take the chemical measure of the moon‘s air
会包销无人供的股份 will underwrite the unsubscribed rights issue
威廉目前主修美术史,不过正考虑改修地理。 William is majoring in art history but considering a switch to geography.
获得通过 win approval
在普选中大胜 win big in the general election
要收买人心,因中产阶级逐渐兴起 win the allegiance of an emerging middle class
成功向员工减薪 win the pay-cut battle
结束调查 wind up his probe
窗值大小 Window Size
窗口程序代码 Windows source code
挡风玻璃 windshield
假大空的/空泛的宣传攻势 windy propaganda blitz
酒庄 wineries