调查每十年进行一次 which will be
廿五人参加地区直选,七人参选功能组别。 While 25 will stand for geographical constituencies, seven will contest functional constituencies.
突然拔枪 whip out a gun
掀起一场国际风暴 whipping up an international storm
挑起宗教战争 whipping up religious hatred
威士忌 whisky
旅行访问 whistle-stop tour
白色农业 white agriculture
美国白人 white Americans
椰菜 White Cabbage
不怀恶意的谎言 white lie
白萝卜 White Radish
廿五人参加地区直选,七人参选功能组别。 While 25 will stand for geographical constituencies, seven will contest functional constituencies.
突然拔枪 whip out a gun
掀起一场国际风暴 whipping up an international storm
挑起宗教战争 whipping up religious hatred
威士忌 whisky
旅行访问 whistle-stop tour
白色农业 white agriculture
美国白人 white Americans
椰菜 White Cabbage
不怀恶意的谎言 white lie
白萝卜 White Radish
白色行情表 white sheet
白领犯罪 white-collar crime
白领 white-collar employees
珍珠龙虾 White-spotted Lobster
掩饰日军二次大战暴行 whitewash atrocities the Japanese army committed during the second world war
帮助高官卸责 whitewashing senior officals‘ responsibility
仍然因九一一事件受惊 who are still reeling from the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11
获得法律援助 who had been granted legal aid
经常保皇 who often votes with the Government
发起游行,由爱丁堡广场游行至政府总部 who organised yesterday‘s march from Edinburgh Place in Central to government headquarters
看来有诚意致力要改弦易辙的人 who seem genuinely committed to doing things differently
仍然挟持着人质 who still holding captives
有份参与民主派的协调工作 who took part in co-ordination efforts for the pro-democracy camp
, who was after all a female, had his periods
全日制小学 whole-day primary school
批发及零售界 Wholesale and Retail
癌细胞已扩散至肝脏 whose cancer had metastasized to
头部被地铁列车车门夹着 whose head became trapped by closing MTR doors
政治前途亮红灯 whose political career hung in the balance
在一连串失言和失误后支持度跌至个位数字 whose public support slid to single-digit levels after a string of verbal gaffes and blunders
广域网络 Wide Area Network (简称 WAN )
广角镜 wide-angle lens
宽带 Wideband
把部分东涌路扩阔至双线行车 widen part of the road to two lanes
扩阔税基 widen the revenue base/widen the tax base
扩阔国际视野 widen their international perspective
扩阔社交圈子 widen their social circle
扩阔东涌路 widen Tung Chung Road
分歧扩大 widening differences
以残酷的手段实行极权统治 wielding absolute power brutally