被枪决 were shot
仍然在深切治疗部留医 were still in
直至昨日仍未能得知抽中/获派多少股 were still in the dark until yesterday as to how many shares they had received
(尸体)仍然可以辨认 were still recognisable
因保安原因被截停并要求更改游行路线 were stopped and told to change the route for security reasons
(地方)(暴雨后)水深达一点五米 were submerged
是长期病患者 were suffering from
停职 were suspended from their posts
然后被弃置在将军澳堆填区 were then discarded in the
今年获派第一志愿 were this year allocated their first-choice school
把案件列为纵火谋杀案 were treating the
无法控制病毒传播 were unable to
仍然在深切治疗部留医 were still in
直至昨日仍未能得知抽中/获派多少股 were still in the dark until yesterday as to how many shares they had received
(尸体)仍然可以辨认 were still recognisable
因保安原因被截停并要求更改游行路线 were stopped and told to change the route for security reasons
(地方)(暴雨后)水深达一点五米 were submerged
是长期病患者 were suffering from
停职 were suspended from their posts
然后被弃置在将军澳堆填区 were then discarded in the
今年获派第一志愿 were this year allocated their first-choice school
把案件列为纵火谋杀案 were treating the
无法控制病毒传播 were unable to
不知道爱滋病不会透过日常接触传染 were unaware that Aids could not be transmitted through normal daily contact with sufferers
对婚姻生活感到不如意 were unhappy with
不满意特区政府处理非典型肺炎事件的表现 were unhappy with the Government‘s performance during the atypical pneumonia outbreak
不愿面对现实 were unwilling to face
用上班时间做私人事情 were using company time to conduct personal affairs
(指不雅刊物)用不透明胶袋包着 were wrapped in non-transparent plastic bags
昨被谴责过分使用武力 were yesterday accused of
西九龙走廊 West Kowloon Corridor
西九龙文娱艺术区 West Kowloon Cultural District
西九龙文娱艺术区发展计划 West Kowloon cultural hub project
西九龙快速公路 West Kowloon Expressway
西铁 West Rail
西方国家 western countries
西欧国家 Western European countries
西区海底隧道 Western Harbour Crossing
西方记者 western journalists
在西方受教育的回流华人 Western-educated Chinese returnees
西医 Western-style doctor
水都 wet city
九仓电讯 Wharf T&T
天旋地转。 What people suffering from
重的公共卫生灾难。 What this contagion has shown is
把病人推入呼吸科 wheeled the transfer
一九八零年代爱滋肆虐这两城市时 when
在那男子身上滴蜡时 when hot wax was
草案恢复二读时 when the bill‘s second reading is due to resume
去年十一月,房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬发表其孙九招时,曾表示那是政府最后一次改变房屋政策。 When, last November, housing chief Michael Suen Ming-yeung unveiled his nine-point plan to stop the slump in property prices, he suggested this would be the government‘s final shift in housing policy.
迷信当道的地方 where superstition reigns
究竟反对二十三条立法的人算不算爱国 whether opponents of Article 23 could be considered patriotic
怀疑会致癌 which is thought to cause cancer