搬运工人 transport worker
变性手术 transsexual operation
变性人 transsexuals/transsexual people
毒品转运中心 transshipment center
在媒体大骂两人 trashed the couple in the press
使受棈神创伤 traumatise (vt)
旅行社 travel agents
旅游证件 travel documents
旅游业议会主席侯叔祺 Travel Industry Council chairman Simon Hau Suk-kei
沿着往九龙方向慢线结队而行 travelling
在慢线行驶 travelling in the slow lane
库务署 Treasury (gov‘t)
变性手术 transsexual operation
变性人 transsexuals/transsexual people
毒品转运中心 transshipment center
在媒体大骂两人 trashed the couple in the press
使受棈神创伤 traumatise (vt)
旅行社 travel agents
旅游证件 travel documents
旅游业议会主席侯叔祺 Travel Industry Council chairman Simon Hau Suk-kei
沿着往九龙方向慢线结队而行 travelling
在慢线行驶 travelling in the slow lane
库务署 Treasury (gov‘t)
减轻轻度至中度痴呆症所引发的症状 treat mild to
处理二百八十万公吨污水 treating 2.8 million tonnes of sewage
滤水厂 treatment works
不扩散核武器条约 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons; NPT
植树活动 tree planting activities
植树日 Tree Planting Day
黑道帮派 triad gangs
黑社会人士/黑社会会员 triad members/gang members
黑社会刺青 triad tattoos
黑帮家法 trial family discipline
八零年代中期开始参选 tried his hand at elections in the mid-1980s
闪避切线的车辆 tried to avoid a
尝试跟职员理论 tried to reason with the officers
企图安排至少五十名内地人士经香港偷渡至海外 tried to smuggle at least 50 mainlanders overseas via Hong Kong
尝试摆脱窘境 tried to weasel out of an embarrassment
尝试为本地的政治气候降温 tries to lower the city‘s political temperature
启发学生创意 trigger off students‘ creativity
引发公众讨论 trigger public discussion
引来全国强烈抗议 triggered vehement protests throughout the country
特立尼达/千里达与多巴哥(西班牙港) Trinidad & Tobago(Port of Spain)
登月之旅 trips to the moon
香港问题青年 troubled Hong Kong teenagers
滋事分子 trouble-makers
发生麻烦的 trouble-plagued
逃学、旷课 truancy (u)/play truant
货车司机/货柜车司机 trucker
蹒跚/艰难地走过 trudge
警棍 truncheon/a police baton
市内电话临时中继线 Trunk Line for Temporary Use
在四十万只鸡身上试用该疫苗 try the vaccine on 400,