和某人驳火 trading fire with somebody
「网易」去年曾暂停交易四个月。 Trading in NetEase was suspended for four months last year.
由于投资者态度谨慎,故成交量低 trading volumes were low because of widespread investor caution
成交量很多 trading was heavy
传统产业与本土经济在香港经济的转型过程中有其独特角色,因为它们可以为市民提供各种类型的就业机会。 Traditional industries and the local community economy play a unique role in the restructuring of our economy, by offering a wider variety of jobs.
传统左派人士 traditional leftists
传统中医师 traditional medical
传统街市 traditional wet markets
交通意外及伤亡援助计划 Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme
市话话务品管设计计算机化系统 Traffic Engineering, Administration and Summary Report System (简称 TREASURES )
交通意外死亡人数 traffic fatalities
三号干线于一九九八年通车,流量较预期为差,累积亏损已达六亿元。 Traffic flow on Route 3 has been below original forecasts since opening in 1998 and the operator has run up losses of more than $600 million.
「网易」去年曾暂停交易四个月。 Trading in NetEase was suspended for four months last year.
由于投资者态度谨慎,故成交量低 trading volumes were low because of widespread investor caution
成交量很多 trading was heavy
传统产业与本土经济在香港经济的转型过程中有其独特角色,因为它们可以为市民提供各种类型的就业机会。 Traditional industries and the local community economy play a unique role in the restructuring of our economy, by offering a wider variety of jobs.
传统左派人士 traditional leftists
传统中医师 traditional medical
传统街市 traditional wet markets
交通意外及伤亡援助计划 Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Scheme
市话话务品管设计计算机化系统 Traffic Engineering, Administration and Summary Report System (简称 TREASURES )
交通意外死亡人数 traffic fatalities
三号干线于一九九八年通车,流量较预期为差,累积亏损已达六亿元。 Traffic flow on Route 3 has been below original forecasts since opening in 1998 and the operator has run up losses of more than $600 million.
由于司机未熟习新通车的公主道连接路,引致红隧一带交通严重挤塞。 Traffic on approach roads to the Cross-Harbour Tunnel was reduced to a snail‘s pace yesterday as drivers struggled to get to grips with the newly opened Princess Margaret Road link.
交通瘫痪 traffic paralysis
交通警察 traffic police
交通警员/交通警察 traffic policeman
讯务选路由 Traffic Routing
交通受阻 traffic was disrupted
地铁乘客增多,故加密班次来应付需求。 Trains are to run more regularly on the MTR in response to a rise in passenger demand.
现时观塘、荃湾和港岛线每五分钟一班车。 Trains on the Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan and Island lines now operate at five-minute intervals.
(在超级市场)推着购物车在货架间闲逛 traipsing along the aisles with a wonky-wheeled trolley
背叛者 traitors
镇定枪 tranquilliser gun
转化脂肪 trans fat
俄罗斯全禄 Transaero
抽调 transfer a portion
产权转让 transference of title of property
违规者 transgressors
流民、盲流 transients/migrants
转乘优惠 transit concessions (discounts when travellers change from one form of transport to another)
传输控制通信协议/因特网通信协议 Transmission Control Protocol╱Internet Protocol (简称 TCP╱IP )
传输次网络维运控制系统 Transmission Sub Network Controller (简称 TSNC )
经血液接触传染 transmitted via contact with the
跨国调查 transnational survey
移植的器官 transplant (n); There is always a
交通咨询委员会 Transport Advisory Committee
交通安排 transport arrangements
运输公司 transport companies
交通投诉组 Transport Complaints Unit
运输署 Transport Department
运输署的紧急事故交通协调中心 Transport Department‘s emergency transport co-ordination centre
传送层 Transport Layer (OSI Model)