无上装女郎 topless girls
成交金额最多的是盈动,达十六亿六千五百万元。其次是和黄,成交金额达十五亿八千万元。 Topping turnover was CyberWorks, with $1.65 billion in shares changing hands, followed by $1.58 billion for Hutchison Whampoa.???
二按服务 top-up loans
放火烧毁数栋建筑物 torched several other buildings
撕毁国旗 tore down the national flag
完全残废 total disability
日全蚀 total eclipse of the sun
极权主义者 totalitarian
极权政府 totalitarian governments
触幕 touch screen
在内蒙着陆 touched down in Inter Mongolia
触摸她的私处 touched her private parts
成交金额最多的是盈动,达十六亿六千五百万元。其次是和黄,成交金额达十五亿八千万元。 Topping turnover was CyberWorks, with $1.65 billion in shares changing hands, followed by $1.58 billion for Hutchison Whampoa.???
二按服务 top-up loans
放火烧毁数栋建筑物 torched several other buildings
撕毁国旗 tore down the national flag
完全残废 total disability
日全蚀 total eclipse of the sun
极权主义者 totalitarian
极权政府 totalitarian governments
触幕 touch screen
在内蒙着陆 touched down in Inter Mongolia
触摸她的私处 touched her private parts
触摸屏 touchscreen
音频式电话/按键式电话 touch-tone telephone
旅游巴 tour bus
旅行团 tour group/travel group
到灾区巡视 toured the disaster zone
视察沙士病房 touring hospital wards of
巡视空袭地点 touring the attack sites
旅游事务署 Tourism Commission
(前)旅游事务专员卢维思 Tourism Commissioner Mike Rowse
旅游发展基金 Tourism Development Fund
香港旅游协会 Tourist Association, HK
旅游景点 tourist attractions/tourist spots
亚洲旅游中心 tourist hub of Asia
城市规划上诉委员会 Town Planning Appeal Board
城市规划条例草案 Town Planning Bill
城市规划委员会 Town Planning Board
城市规划条例 Town Planning Ordinance
城市规划白纸条例草案 Town Planning White Bill
八成香港住宅为煤气用户。 Towngas already had access to 80 per cent of Hong Kong‘s households.
中华煤气和恒基发展成立各占一半股权的合资公司。 Towngas linked up with Henderson Investment to form a 50-50 joint venture.
煤气常务董事陈永坚 Towngas managing director Alfred Chan Wing-kin
玩具及儿童产品安全条例 Toys and Childrens‘ Products Safety Ordinance
追寻病毒传播途径 traces the path of the contagion
追缉萨达姆和其它前伊拉克领导层 track down Saddam
全日追纵股票价格 track stocks throughout the day
追寻禽流感病毒源头 track the source of
透过卫星追踪 tracked by satellite
工业贸易署 Trade and Industry Department
联合国贸易促进中心 Trade Promotion Centre of the United Nations
国际贸易顺差 trade surplus