炭自杀,是继跳楼以后第二常见的自杀方法。 Today,
刚学步的小孩 toddlers
托福试 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
布丁豆花 tofu-style pudding
厕所、座厕 toilet/loo/lavatory
在烽烟节目中说 told a radio phone-in programme that
出席美国听证会,表达香港实行全面民主的必要 told a Senate hearing in Washington of the need for Hong Kong to implement full democracy
包容不同意见 tolerate diversity and dissent
长途中心局 Toll Center (简称 TC )
受话方付费电话 Toll Free
收费广场 toll plaza
长途交换 Toll Switching
刚学步的小孩 toddlers
托福试 TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
布丁豆花 tofu-style pudding
厕所、座厕 toilet/loo/lavatory
在烽烟节目中说 told a radio phone-in programme that
出席美国听证会,表达香港实行全面民主的必要 told a Senate hearing in Washington of the need for Hong Kong to implement full democracy
包容不同意见 tolerate diversity and dissent
长途中心局 Toll Center (简称 TC )
受话方付费电话 Toll Free
收费广场 toll plaza
长途交换 Toll Switching
长途电路运用信息系统 Toll Trunk Application Information System (简称 TOTAS )
收费隧道 toll tunnels
红磡海底隧道收费 tolls for the Cross-Harbour Tunnel
赤门海峡 Tolo Channel
吐露港 Tolo Harbour
吐露港公路 Tolo Highway
行政总裁王兟Tom.com chief executive Sing Wang Tom.com
李嘉诚旗下的 Tom.com昨日公开招股,在一片网股热潮下,数以十万计的市民在银行同门外大排长龙,渴望分一杯羹。Hundreds of thousands of people queued outside banks yesterday hoping to cash in on the Internet mania generated by the offer of shares in Li Ka Shing‘s Tom.com venture.
大部分人认购 Tom.com的原因是,李嘉诚任主席的长实和和黄,持有Tom.com股权百分之五十七。Most of the interest in Tom.com is generated by the fact that it is 57 per cent-owned by Cheung Kong (Holdings) and Hutchison Whampao, which are chaired by Mr. Li.
申请认购 Tom.com股票apply for shares in Tom.com
西红柿 Tomato
饮食业联合总会召集人张宇人 Tommy Cheung Yu-yan, convenor of the Hong Kong Catering Industry Association
补药 tonic
扁桃腺炎 tonsillitis
深鞠躬致歉 took a deep bow and apologised
以十五年为量刑起点 took a starting point of 15 years for Ng
利用所有市场活动范围 took advantage of all market niches
在错误的前提下决定让英国参战 took Britain to war on a false premise
通过静脉摄取食物 took her food
将他带返警署问话 took him to the station for
启程往洛杉矶 took off for Los Angeles
于网上售卖翻版游戏光盘 took online orders for pitated CD-ROM games
收受贿款 took pay-offs/accept bribes/take bribes
诊脉/把脉 took the pulse
用异常举动来引人注意某事 took the unusual move to draw attention to something
食错药/服用错误的药物 took the wrong medicine
在首都上街示威 took to the streets of the capital
没有牙的人 toothless people
大企业首脑、顶级商业领袖 top business leaders
会议最重要的议题 top of the agenda