他们在群众中搜出两把枪和一把刀。 They confiscated two guns and a knife hidden in the crowd.
他们要求工商及科技局局长曾俊华为向公众提供错误信息而道歉,若然他是刻意误导就应该下台。 They demanded that Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang Chun-wah apologise for presenting what they said was inaccurate information to the public, or resign if he had deliberately misled people.
警方未决定会否起诉某人 they did not decide whether
伤势并不致命。 They did not suffer
他们未必能够反映整体社会的意见。 They do not necessarily reflect the views of the community as a whole.
他们在衣柜里发现失踪女童严佩珊的尸体,尸体用毛毯包着。 They found the body of missing schoolgirl Yim Pui-shan trussed in a blanket and stuffed in a wardrobe.
他们觉得抄功课并无不妥。 They had no qualms about copying answers from their classmates.
他们累积了很多经验。 They have accumulated so much experience.
他们要留在香港候审。 They have to stay in Hong Kong pending trial.
家人。 They held him for more than a year without
他们用拳头和硬物袭击我。 They hit me with fists and
型肝炎疫苗加强剂的问题。 They hoped
他们要求工商及科技局局长曾俊华为向公众提供错误信息而道歉,若然他是刻意误导就应该下台。 They demanded that Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology John Tsang Chun-wah apologise for presenting what they said was inaccurate information to the public, or resign if he had deliberately misled people.
警方未决定会否起诉某人 they did not decide whether
伤势并不致命。 They did not suffer
他们未必能够反映整体社会的意见。 They do not necessarily reflect the views of the community as a whole.
他们在衣柜里发现失踪女童严佩珊的尸体,尸体用毛毯包着。 They found the body of missing schoolgirl Yim Pui-shan trussed in a blanket and stuffed in a wardrobe.
他们觉得抄功课并无不妥。 They had no qualms about copying answers from their classmates.
他们累积了很多经验。 They have accumulated so much experience.
他们要留在香港候审。 They have to stay in Hong Kong pending trial.
家人。 They held him for more than a year without
他们用拳头和硬物袭击我。 They hit me with fists and
型肝炎疫苗加强剂的问题。 They hoped
他们没有接受政府资助。 They receive no government funding.
他们被判入狱九个月,缓刑两年。 They received jail terms of nine months, suspended for two years.
银行向「低结余户」或「不动户」停止支付利息或将息率调低。 They reduced or abolished interest payments for low-deposit or dormant accounts.
判处罪犯要服刑满二十年后才可以提早出狱。 They should serve at least 20 years before parole should be considered, the judge recommended.
他们呼吁群众冷静。 They urge the
他们的行动有可疑。 They were acting suspiciously
一百元七只游戏。 They were priced at $100 for seven games.
他们最无资格批评特首 they were the people "least qualified" to criticise Mr Tung
他们将面临公关灾难。 They will face a public relations disaster.
把无政党背景视作竞选中的优势 think of nonaffiliation as a means to gain advantage in the election
跳出思想框框 think outside the box
认为港府管治能力不及格 think the SAR administration failed to govern Hong Kong effectively last year
想市民所想 thinking what people think
天拿水 thinners
无名指 third finger/ring finger
百分之三十七的被访者表示已决定投票给哪位候选人。 Thirty seven per cent said they had already decided who to vote for.
政府将于下个财政年度拍卖三十五幅土地,估计会为库房带来六百五十亿元收入。 Thirty-five sites will be offered for auction by the government in the next financial year, generating up to $65 billion for the Treasury, according to analysts‘ estimates.
今年有三十二名学生因经济困难而被迫辍学。 Thirty-two students had to suspend studies this year due to financial hardship.
现在是香港民主发展的关键时刻。 This is a crucial moment for Hong Kong‘s democratic development.
这是政治现实。 This is a matter of political reality.
这是我首度参与直选。 This is my first time participating as a Legco direct-election candidate.
这是政府能否成功管治香港的关键。 This is of fundamental importance for the successful governance of the SAR.
这只是漫长通缩期的开始。 This is probably just the beginning of the deflationary period.
这是经济全球化的时代。 This is the age of economic globalization.
计算机界正处于整合年代。 This is the era of consolidtion in computerland.
这是整个立法的根本原则。 This is the fundamental principle behind the whole legislative proposal.
这是我们从犯案手法所得出的结论。 This is what we
这意味存款一万,每年只得一元利息。 This means that a customer with $10,000 in a savings account will earn just $1 in interest over a full year.
这表示公务员实际上要自己供原本政府负责供的强积金部分。 This means the workers, in effect, pays the Government‘s contributions to MPF from their own pocket.
是次军事行动 this military operation