很多行业聘请雇员时都有歧视情况。 There is discrimination in a wide spectrum of fields of employment.
对于未来方向,社会没有共识。 There is no community consensus on the way forward.
并不容许某事 there is no provision for something
没有迹象显示中央政府对普选的立场有重大改变。 There is no sign of a major change in Beijing‘s stance over universal suffrage.
对某事无简单的解决办法 there is no simple solution to something
没有变焦镜头,也没有观景窗。 There is no zoom and no optical viewfinder.
股价仍有上升空间。 There is still room for the stock to advance.
地盘现场仍有倒塌危机。 There is the risk of further
在整个注册过程中有太多官僚式的繁文褥节。 There is too many bureaucracy involved in the whole registration process.
董建华在香港的政治前途可能并不明朗。 There may be uncertainties about Tung Chee-hwa‘s political future in Hong Kong.
两铁合并必定有减价空间。 There must be scope to lower fares in some areas if the two companies were merged.
应该有一所专门应付传染病的医院。 There should be a
对于未来方向,社会没有共识。 There is no community consensus on the way forward.
并不容许某事 there is no provision for something
没有迹象显示中央政府对普选的立场有重大改变。 There is no sign of a major change in Beijing‘s stance over universal suffrage.
对某事无简单的解决办法 there is no simple solution to something
没有变焦镜头,也没有观景窗。 There is no zoom and no optical viewfinder.
股价仍有上升空间。 There is still room for the stock to advance.
地盘现场仍有倒塌危机。 There is the risk of further
在整个注册过程中有太多官僚式的繁文褥节。 There is too many bureaucracy involved in the whole registration process.
董建华在香港的政治前途可能并不明朗。 There may be uncertainties about Tung Chee-hwa‘s political future in Hong Kong.
两铁合并必定有减价空间。 There must be scope to lower fares in some areas if the two companies were merged.
应该有一所专门应付传染病的医院。 There should be a
判刑应该更重。/判刑过轻。 There should have been a heavier sentence.
沙士令旅游业和经济活动饱受打击,地铁和机场快线乘客量大降。 There was a sharp decline in patronage on the MTR lines and Airport Express due to a drop in tourism and economic activities as a result of the severe acute respiratory (Sars) outbreak.
日资商店外明显有警员驻守。 There was an obvious police presence outside the Japanese businesses.
有足够人手 there was enough manpower
没有足够证据起诉七名内地人。 There was insufficient evidence to prosecute a group of seven mainlanders.
没有需要禁止入口。 There was no need
无须全港学校停课。 There was no need for a territory-wide suspension of classes.
童相识。 There was no sign of a break-in, leading
无迹象会发生大规模疫症。 There was no sign of an
大约有一万个已落成的居屋单位尚未发售。 There were about 10,000 HOS flats completed but they had not yet been put up for sale.
四周都是残肢断体。 There were body parts strewn all over the place.
就他记忆所及,这类事情很少发生。 There were only a few such cases in his memory.
在其它阿拉伯国家还有零星示威活动。 There were scattered protests in other Arab countries.
有资金流走迹象。 There were signs of capital outflow
将会有更多直航航班连接内地和其它城市。 There will be many more direct flights connecting the mainland and other cities.
将会有越来越多的内地公司在香港上市。 There will be more and more mainland firms listing in Hong Kong.
街市今天没有鲜牛肉卖。 There would be no fresh beef in local markets today.
二千年前一定不会裁员。 There would be no sackings before 2000.
社会上亦没有共识。 There‘s also no clear consensus in the community.
这些意见值得仔细考虑。 These are ideas that deserve careful consideration.
这些是严重罪行,应受谴责。 These are serious and reprehensible offences.
这些饮料有多款清凉口味。 These drinks come in a variety of cooling flavours.
偷渡前往美国或其它地方的内地人士随时会赔上性命。 These people intending to smuggle themselves to the United States or elsewhere could be risking their lives.
他们冒生命危险保护和服务市民。 They
他们全是长期病患者。 They all had
李卓人表示,警方承诺若然与会人数众多,会采取应变措施。 They also promised to invoke contingency plans to accommodate more people should they show up, according to Mr Lee.
改革初期难免引起社会上的不同反应。 They are bound to evoke different responses from the community in the early stages of implementation.
他们能独立思考。 They are capable of independent thinking.
他们被视为反对势力。 They are seen as part of the opposition.
是我们党在新世纪新阶段的政治宣言和行动纲领。 They are the political declaration and action plan for our party in the new development stage of the new century.