是次突击行动突显警队决心打击黑社会活动在香港发展。 This particular raid clearly illustrates the determination of the police in fighting against triad expansion in Hong Kong.
本周股市预期仍会受到美国加息阴影、油价上升和内地加强宏观调控所影响。 This week, uncertainty over US interest rates, rising oil prices and further tightening measures to slow the mainland economy are expected to prevail in the stock market.
这是人大第三次释法。 This will be the third interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People‘s Congress.
这会严重影响学校运作。 This will seriously affect the operation of schools.
这等同干预市场。 This would be meddling in the market.
从此可判断背后有人操控选举结果。 This would lead us to conclude there are co-ordinating forces at the back.
丁字裤 thongs
胸篮 thoracic basket
??? thoroughly
对董特首很不满意的受访者人数由去年四月的百分之八上升至上个月的百分之十七。 Those "very dissatisfied" with Mr Tung had surged from eight per cent in April last year to 17 per cent last month.
不会影响民生的收费 those fees which do not affect general livelihood
下岗工人 those laid off from state firms/redundant workers/dismissed workers
本周股市预期仍会受到美国加息阴影、油价上升和内地加强宏观调控所影响。 This week, uncertainty over US interest rates, rising oil prices and further tightening measures to slow the mainland economy are expected to prevail in the stock market.
这是人大第三次释法。 This will be the third interpretation of the Basic Law by the Standing Committee of the National People‘s Congress.
这会严重影响学校运作。 This will seriously affect the operation of schools.
这等同干预市场。 This would be meddling in the market.
从此可判断背后有人操控选举结果。 This would lead us to conclude there are co-ordinating forces at the back.
丁字裤 thongs
胸篮 thoracic basket
??? thoroughly
对董特首很不满意的受访者人数由去年四月的百分之八上升至上个月的百分之十七。 Those "very dissatisfied" with Mr Tung had surged from eight per cent in April last year to 17 per cent last month.
不会影响民生的收费 those fees which do not affect general livelihood
下岗工人 those laid off from state firms/redundant workers/dismissed workers
癌。 Those most at risk were women
不合资格使用公立医院的人 those not
据报(武装分子)挟持了三名日本平民作人质,要求日本撤军,否则活活烧死人质。 Those who abducted the three Japanese civilians have reportedly said they would burn them alive unless Tokyo starts pulling its troops out of the country.
必须检控和惩罚犯法人士,以收阻吓作用。 Those who break the law must then be prosecuted and subjected to sentences which provide an effective deterrent.
更早时间入职的教师须于二零零六年前通过评核试。 Those who entered the profession before then have until 2006 to meet the standard.
二零零一年后入行的英文和普通话教师,必须通过语文基准试。他们若要保留教职,就要在毕业后的首两年内直接参加考试,或接受培训,或申请豁免。 Those who started teaching English or Putonghua after 2001 had to meet the benchmark requirements by passing special tests, attending training courses or getting an exemption within two years to retain their job.
卧底人员 those working undercover
以为沙士疫潮已受控制 thought they had
他曾有自杀念头 thoughts of suicide flashed through
香港数以千计的旧楼都可以做九成五按揭。 Thousands of old buildings in Hong Kong could be entitled to 95 per cent mortgages.
数以千计人群围绕着某地 thousands of people besieged somewhere
已有上千市民被检控。 Thousands of people have been
数以千计的警察和军队部署于国会周围。 Thousands of police and troops were positioned around parliament.
昨日是特区成立四周年纪念日。纵使风雨交加,仍有至少四群示威人士上街游行抗议。 Thousands of protesters in at least four different demonstrations took to the windswept and rainy streets yesterday to air their grievances on the fourth anniversary of the SAR‘s establishment.
数以千计的红卫兵 thousands of Red Guards
影响消费者的自由选择 threaten consumer choice
持枪恐吓某人 threaten somebody with a gun
声称会采取法律行动 threatened legal action
用类似手枪物体指吓九名店员 threatened nine staff
恐吓会报警带走滋事者 threatened to call the police to remove hecklers
威胁会引爆两个石油气罐 threatened to explode the
威胁要起诉业主 threatening the owners with prosecution
感染爱滋病个案,令此类个案数目增至九宗。 Three
三巴士连环相撞 three buses shunted into one another
(中美间)三个联合公报 three Joint Communiques
三大主要政党 three major political parties
城中三位名嘴因政治恐吓先后封咪 three of the city‘s most popular talk-show hosts have been forced off the air by political intimidation
三发子弹 three rounds of ammunition
三名司长 three senior principal officials
某人中了三枪 three shots were fired at somebody