世界最大的内存芯片制造商 the world‘s largest memory-chip maker
全球最大的房地产信托基金 the world‘s largest real estate investment trust
全球第一号杀手 the world‘s leading
世上人口最多的国家 the world‘s most populous country
全球第三大上市融资的市场 the world‘s third largest capital-raising market
最严重的校园枪击事件 the worst classroom shooting rampage
(受灾/雨势)最严重地区 the worst hit areas
表现最差的蓝筹股 the worst performer on the blue-chip index
四十二年来最严重的铁路事故 the worst rail disaster
是次撇帐令电盈处于负资产状态,负资产总值十八亿美元。 The write-off put CyberWorks in a position of negative shareholder equity totalling US$1.8 billion.
(上海)新天地娱乐区 the Xintiandi entertainment district
黄帝内经 the Yellow Emperor‘s Book of
全球最大的房地产信托基金 the world‘s largest real estate investment trust
全球第一号杀手 the world‘s leading
世上人口最多的国家 the world‘s most populous country
全球第三大上市融资的市场 the world‘s third largest capital-raising market
最严重的校园枪击事件 the worst classroom shooting rampage
(受灾/雨势)最严重地区 the worst hit areas
表现最差的蓝筹股 the worst performer on the blue-chip index
四十二年来最严重的铁路事故 the worst rail disaster
是次撇帐令电盈处于负资产状态,负资产总值十八亿美元。 The write-off put CyberWorks in a position of negative shareholder equity totalling US$1.8 billion.
(上海)新天地娱乐区 the Xintiandi entertainment district
黄帝内经 the Yellow Emperor‘s Book of
日圆升至一百一十一日圆兑一美元,是近三年的高位。 The yen appreciated to 111 per dollar, its strongest level in nearly three years.
日圆对美元的关系尤其重要。 The yen‘s relationship to the dollar is particularly important.
读卖新闻(日) The Yomiuri Shinbun
年轻的皇室成员 the young royal
边缘青少年 the youth at risk
生活。 The youth has returned to a
窃取国家机密 theft of state secrets
他们的身体烧焦得难以办认。 Their bodies were
他们国家的政权首次平稳过渡 their country‘s first orderly transition of power
雇主未有为他们供强积金。 Their employers had not enrolled them in any MPF scheme.
未来的能源策略 their future energy strategies
他们留港时间 their length of stay
(盈富)股价会随市场好坏波动 their prices were subjected to market fluctuations
他们私下的性行为 their private sexual
配偶对自己有外遇毫不知情。 Their spouses were
他们担心不无理由。 Their worries are not without basis.
主题公园/主题乐园 theme park
神权领袖/神政主义者 theocrats
保健按摩 therapeutic massage
每年大约有五万至六万名青少年通宵在街上游荡。 There are around 50,000 to 60,000 youth loitering on the streets overnight every year.
有更好的方法制造就业。 There are better means of creating employment.
可望该次选举会较为公正,结果较能反映人民意愿。 There are hopes the election will be fairer and the results a more accurate representation of the people‘s will.
没有升职希望,没有稳定生活,没有退休保障。 There are no promotion prospects, no stable living and no retirement protection.
对某事并无快速解决方案 there are no quick fixes for something
有迹象显示首次公开招股的热潮正在减退。 There are signs that our enthusiasm for IPOs is waning.
有迹象显示病毒正在变种。 There are signs that the
执行时仍有一些难以预见的困难。 There are still some unforeseen operational difficulties.
有证据充分的个案 there are well-documented cases
由去年六月至今年二月被廉署调查的警员中有十五名最终没有被起诉。 There have been three cases involving 15 police offices between June last year and this February in which no charges have been laid.
一个容许极少异见声音的极权政府长远是否能够继续统治越来越多元化的社会,实在相当惹人质疑。 There is also considerable doubt as to whether a totalitarian regime that allows little dissent can continue to preside over an increasingly diverse and heterogeneous society in the long term.