失业人士 the unemployed
因经济转型而带来的失业问题不会在一两年内消失。 The unemployment problems triggered by economic restructuring will not disappear in one or two years.
年青人失业率 the unemployment rate among young people
在他有生之年失业率都不会回落至回归前的水平。 The unemployment rate would not fall to the pre-handover level in his lifetime.
不平等条约 the unequal treaty
教协支持专科教学政策。 The union supports the specialised teaching policy.
联合国派出一队紧急救援队伍。 The United Nations has
美国、英国和澳洲政府劝喻人民不要到印尼和菲律宾部分地方旅游。 The United States, Britain, and Australia discouraged travel to Indonesia and parts of the Phillippines.
大学某些学术领域已斐声国际。 The university already ranked among the best in the world in some academic areas.
港大否认在选取学生时有种族歧视。 The university denies it has any racial preference or discrimination in making its selection of new students.
香港大学(港大) the University of Hong Kong
香港大学民意研究计划 the University of Hong Kong‘s Public Opinion Programme
因经济转型而带来的失业问题不会在一两年内消失。 The unemployment problems triggered by economic restructuring will not disappear in one or two years.
年青人失业率 the unemployment rate among young people
在他有生之年失业率都不会回落至回归前的水平。 The unemployment rate would not fall to the pre-handover level in his lifetime.
不平等条约 the unequal treaty
教协支持专科教学政策。 The union supports the specialised teaching policy.
联合国派出一队紧急救援队伍。 The United Nations has
美国、英国和澳洲政府劝喻人民不要到印尼和菲律宾部分地方旅游。 The United States, Britain, and Australia discouraged travel to Indonesia and parts of the Phillippines.
大学某些学术领域已斐声国际。 The university already ranked among the best in the world in some academic areas.
港大否认在选取学生时有种族歧视。 The university denies it has any racial preference or discrimination in making its selection of new students.
香港大学(港大) the University of Hong Kong
香港大学民意研究计划 the University of Hong Kong‘s Public Opinion Programme
非法埋葬尸体罪 the unlawful disposal of a corpse
和合石金塔坟场 the urn cemetery at Wo Hop Shek
美军第三步兵师 the US 3rd infantry division/US 3rd Infantry
用者自付原则 the user-pays principle
立法会下半季的最后一次辩论 the valedictory debate of Legco‘s second term
(该党)的资产最近严重缩水。 The value of its holdings has plummeted of late.
首批游行人士/龙头 the vanguard
水痘带状疱疹病毒 the Varicella-zoster
脉管系统 the vascular system
向山边。 The vehicle mounted the pavement and
被诽谤者 the victim of libel
力模糊。 The victims‘ symptoms
暴力事件最近两周失控,造成二百多人死亡。 The violence has appeared to spiral out of control in the past two weeks, with more than 200 people killed.
圣母 the Virgin Mary
只要不足百分之一的患者丧命。 The virus
病征。 The virus can hole up in the
类。 The virus could jump from civet
美国迪士尼总公司 the Walt Disney Company
警方的劝喻被示威者的嘘声盖过。 The warnings were shouted down.
东江水水质属国家二级水源标准。 The water is of second-class quality, according to mainland standards.
有海景的住宅/临海住宅 the waterfront estate
地产经纪表示,房屋局计划多推出二万六千个居屋单位,会对疲弱的楼市雪上加霜。 The weak property market will be dalt a blow by a Housing Authority‘s plan to sell more than 26,000 subsidised flats next year, property agents say.
日圆疲弱,区内其它货币面临贬值压力。 The weak yen continued to exert downward pressure on regional currencies.
纤体行业 the weight-loss industry
不能照搬西方的政治模式(于中国)。 The western mode of political system must never be copied.
灵魂之窗 the window to the soul
冬季季候风 the winter monsoon over southern China
排头位的女士 the woman at the head of the queue
该名女子头部重创。 The woman received
世界工厂 the workshop of the world