教育界人士对是项建议意见不一。 The proposals have drawn a mixed reaction from educators.
作价比昨日最后交易价的八月七角折让百分之二十三。 The proposed price represented a 23 per cent discount to the yesterday‘s last traded price of $8.70, the source said.
收紧超速驾驶扣分制度建议 the proposed revision in the demerit points system
控方 the prosecution
由于预期政局会持续不明朗,该国金融市场很可能再受打击。 The prospect of lingering political uncertainty is likely to hit the country‘s financial markets anew.
保护海港条例 the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance
上周游行清楚显示反对立法的市民占大多数。 The protest last week sent out a clear message that opposing the legislation was the mainstream.
示威行动是自发的。 The protests were spontaneous.
提倡两岸统一的新党 the pro-unification New Party
提供市政服务(重组)条例草案/杀局草案 The Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganisation) Bill
一万二千点的重要心理关口 the psychologically important 12,000 mark
公众有权知道落网人士的名字和身分。 The public has the right to know the name and identity of the arrested.
作价比昨日最后交易价的八月七角折让百分之二十三。 The proposed price represented a 23 per cent discount to the yesterday‘s last traded price of $8.70, the source said.
收紧超速驾驶扣分制度建议 the proposed revision in the demerit points system
控方 the prosecution
由于预期政局会持续不明朗,该国金融市场很可能再受打击。 The prospect of lingering political uncertainty is likely to hit the country‘s financial markets anew.
保护海港条例 the Protection of the Harbour Ordinance
上周游行清楚显示反对立法的市民占大多数。 The protest last week sent out a clear message that opposing the legislation was the mainstream.
示威行动是自发的。 The protests were spontaneous.
提倡两岸统一的新党 the pro-unification New Party
提供市政服务(重组)条例草案/杀局草案 The Provision of Municipal Services (Reorganisation) Bill
一万二千点的重要心理关口 the psychologically important 12,000 mark
公众有权知道落网人士的名字和身分。 The public has the right to know the name and identity of the arrested.
东江水水质一直备受批评。 The quality of the Dongjiang water has long been critised.
爆炸事件的疑窦必须解开。 The questions surrounding the bombing must be cleared up.
集会原定于1月1日举行,主办单位向警方表示预计有五万人参与由维园至政府总部的游行。 The rally was originally scheduled for January 1 and organisers had told police that up 50,000 could show up for the march from Victoria Park to government headquarters.
中央政府一连串的振兴经济措施 the range of measures taken by the central government to help rejuvenate the economy
肥。 The rate of obesity was 13.2 per
加息会导致二手市场价格下跌两成。 The rates rise could see property sales in the secondary market fall as much as 20 per cent next month.
师生比例 the ratio of teachers to pupils
填海所得的土地 the reclaimed land
重新点票方法 the recount methods
一定要透过立法程序来进行验票。 The recount must be implemented through the legislative process.
股市和楼市复苏 the recovery of the stock market and the property market
回收园 the Recovery Park
红筹泡沫最终爆破,大部分红筹股都跌破招股价。 The red-chip bubble ultimately burst, with most now trading at below their issue prices.
出生率下降,教师需求因而减少 the reduction in the demand for teachers because of the falling birth rate
翻新了的楼宇 the refurbished buildings
地区监理处 The Regional Regulatory Department
较穷困的西部省份 the relatively poorer western provinces
下星期公布的每月数据将显示香港连续四年通缩。 The release of monthly figures next week will mark the fourth anniversary of prices having fallen into a downward slide.
释放政治囚犯 the release of political prisoners
获释人质 the released hostages
纾困措施/纾解民困措施 the relief measures
(远流)出版社昨日质疑,地铁公司抽起台湾总统李登辉新著作的广告,背后有政治动机。 The removal of an advertisement for Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui‘s new book from a MTR station was politically motivated, the publisher alledged yesterday.
关于他私生活的报导 the report on his private life
资源管理处 The Resources Administration Department
机构投资者和小投资者的反应良好 the response from institutional and retail investors for the bonds had been good
恢复集体谈判权 the restoration of collective bargaining rights
洗手间、厕所 the restroom/the washroom
结果显示选民愿意给新参选的人一个机会。 The results showed voters were willing to give new candidates a chance.
业绩较分析员预期差。原本预期恒隆盈利为七亿元,淘大盈利为八亿五千万元至八亿八千七百万元。 The results were below analysts‘ forecast of HK$700 million for Hang Lung and HK$850 million to HK$887 million for Amoy.
(主办单位)香港民主发展网络主席朱耀明 The Reverend Chu Yiu-ming, chairman of rally organiser the Democratic Development Network