贫者越贫,富者越富。 The rich are getting richer while the poor are becoming poorer.
西方的富裕国家 the rich nations of the west
俄罗斯首富 the richest man in Russia
陈国梁昨日退选,激化民主党内主流阵营和少壮派的冲突。 The rift between the Democratic Party‘s mainstream and its Young Turks widened yesterday with the withdrawal of Chan Kwok-leung from the campaign.
右翼碰撞跑道折断 the right wing chipped the runway
六七暴动 the riots of 1967
从血液传染疯牛症的风险 the risk of
钟庭耀事件 the Robert Chung affair
民主倒退 the rolling-back of democracy/a rollback in democracy
问题根源 the root of the problem
军乐队奏起令人振奋的旋律 the rousing strains of a military band
瑞典皇家科学院 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
西方的富裕国家 the rich nations of the west
俄罗斯首富 the richest man in Russia
陈国梁昨日退选,激化民主党内主流阵营和少壮派的冲突。 The rift between the Democratic Party‘s mainstream and its Young Turks widened yesterday with the withdrawal of Chan Kwok-leung from the campaign.
右翼碰撞跑道折断 the right wing chipped the runway
六七暴动 the riots of 1967
从血液传染疯牛症的风险 the risk of
钟庭耀事件 the Robert Chung affair
民主倒退 the rolling-back of democracy/a rollback in democracy
问题根源 the root of the problem
军乐队奏起令人振奋的旋律 the rousing strains of a military band
瑞典皇家科学院 the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
因果定律 the rules of cause and effect
是次判决或会引发大陆孕母偷渡潮。 The ruling would open a floodgate for pregnant mainlanders to come to Hong Kong.
繁忙时间 the rush hour/peak-hours
退还薪俸税令库房损失二十三亿。 The salaries tax rebate will cost $2.3 billion.
卖地成绩理想,二手放盘业主坐地起价百分之五至十。 The sale gave an immediate push to prices, with flat owners raising asking prices in the second-hand market by 5 to 10 per cent.
特区政府一再强调,商贸活动不能与政治考虑挂钩,两者要绝对分开,不能混为一谈。 The SAR government has consistently stressed that trade and business matters should be kept strictly separate and apart from political considerations.
政府一份调查警告,若然不减省开支或增加税收,香港的三千六百九十亿元储备将于二零零八至零九年财政年度耗尽。 The SAR‘s $369 billion fiscal reserves will be wiped out by 2008-09 if the administration does nothing to cut spending or raising taxes, a government study has warned.
香港民主结构未稳 the SAR‘s democratic structure was not solid
在地铁里使用沙林毒气袭击 the sarin gas used in the subway attack
者。 The Sars virus has claimed the
空难现场 the scene of the crash/the crash site
该计划可以刺激二手市场。 The scheme could help stimulate the secondary market.
该计划备受某人称许 the scheme was hailed by somebody
红湾半岛的海景 the sea view from the Hunghom Peninsula
搜索生还者行动 the search for victims
搜索队伍 the search team
二手市场 the secondary market
立法会的第二大党 the second-largest political party in the Legislative Council
经济局局长叶树 the Secretary for Economic Services, Stephen Ip Shu-kwan
政教分离 the separation of church and state/the separation of religion and politics
香港未有实行医药分家。 The separation of dispensing
工作小组的成立证明政府锐意提升市民两文三语水平。 The setting up of the working group shows that the government has placed a strong emphasis on improving bi-literacy [in Chinese and English] and trilingualism [in Cantonese, Putonghua and English] in the community.
性别歧视条例 the Sex Discrimination Ordinance
民主党党员何伟途的性丑闻 the sex scandal surrounding Democrat Alex Ho Wai-to
沙中线 the Shatin to Central Link
什叶派回教 the Shiite division of Islam
候选人当中缺乏新面孔 the shortage of fresh faces among candidates
缺乏政治人才 the shortage of political talents
位于奥海城商场的示范单位 the show flats in the Olympian City shopping mall
花洒喉管 the shower hose