公务员应保持政治中立。 The political neutrality of the civil service should be kept intact.
政治光谱 the political spectrum
政治风暴 the political storm
政治动荡 the political unrest
香港大学民意研究计划的民意调查显示,百分之八十一的市民支持于二零零七年普选行政长官。 The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong‘s public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of respondents support electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007.
投票站的开放时间为早上七时三十分至晚上十时三十分。 The polls open at 7.30 am and close at 10.30 pm.
贫苦大众 the poor
知名工会领袖刘千石,由于其前?党席和民主党有冲突,可能于今个月被正式逐出民主党。 The popular labour rights campaigner, whose membership with The Frontier is at odds with the party, faces formal expulsion this month.
周一发表的一份民意调查显示,董特首的民望跌至历史新低。 The popularity of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa has plunged to a historic low, a new poll released on Monday found.
由于刘慧卿能吸引大量选票,致使选单上排第二的候选人大有机会胜出,所以他们都想和她列在同一张选单。 The position is coveted because the large number of votes Ms Lau attracts makes it likely the second person on her ticket will also be elected.
据本报了解,小学的小一自行收生率将由百分之六十五降至百分之十五,但是中学的中一自行收生率则由百分之十升至百分之三十。 The Post understands that primary schools will only be allowed to select 15 per cent of their Primary One intake, instead of the present 65 per cent. However secondary schools will be able to increase their discretionary intake from 10 % to 30 %.
布达拉宫 the Potala Palace
政治光谱 the political spectrum
政治风暴 the political storm
政治动荡 the political unrest
香港大学民意研究计划的民意调查显示,百分之八十一的市民支持于二零零七年普选行政长官。 The poll, conducted by the University of Hong Kong‘s public opinion programme, found 81 per cent of respondents support electing the chief executive through universal suffrage in 2007.
投票站的开放时间为早上七时三十分至晚上十时三十分。 The polls open at 7.30 am and close at 10.30 pm.
贫苦大众 the poor
知名工会领袖刘千石,由于其前?党席和民主党有冲突,可能于今个月被正式逐出民主党。 The popular labour rights campaigner, whose membership with The Frontier is at odds with the party, faces formal expulsion this month.
周一发表的一份民意调查显示,董特首的民望跌至历史新低。 The popularity of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa has plunged to a historic low, a new poll released on Monday found.
由于刘慧卿能吸引大量选票,致使选单上排第二的候选人大有机会胜出,所以他们都想和她列在同一张选单。 The position is coveted because the large number of votes Ms Lau attracts makes it likely the second person on her ticket will also be elected.
据本报了解,小学的小一自行收生率将由百分之六十五降至百分之十五,但是中学的中一自行收生率则由百分之十升至百分之三十。 The Post understands that primary schools will only be allowed to select 15 per cent of their Primary One intake, instead of the present 65 per cent. However secondary schools will be able to increase their discretionary intake from 10 % to 30 %.
布达拉宫 the Potala Palace
电力公司可厘定收费,以维持利润水平在固定资产的百分之十三。 The power firm is allowed to set charges to maintain a 13 per cent profit on fixed assets.
警方禁止游行的权利 the power of police to veto matches???
合并之权在政府 the power to merge the institutions rested with the government
现行政策 the present policy
立法会主席于下午三时二十分宣布流会。 The president abandoned the meeting at 3.20pm.
报界 the press
中华人民共和国新闻出版署 The Press and Publications Administration of the R.P.C.
加息压力 the pressure of interest rate increases
铜价创新高。 The price of copper hit a record.
盈动在去年八月十七日收购香港电讯后,股价下跌逾百分之八十二,昨日收市价为二元七角。 The price of PCCW‘s shares has fallen more than 82 per cent since the company took over HKT on August 17, closing at $2.70 yesterday.
石油产品价格已上升。 The prices of petroleum products have soared.
由于投资者反应热烈,故必须以上限价定价,同时这亦能平息政府贱卖资产的批评。 The pricing had to be at the top end, given the overwhelming response from investors and also to pacify critics accusing the government of selling the assets too cheaply.
金管局的首要任务是捍卫本港的银行制度。 The primary responsibility of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is to safeguard the banking system.
各问责局长 the Principal Officials
「均衡参与」原则 the principles of "balanced participation"
峻。 The problem of health-care
立法会对法案、议案的表决程序于零八年维持不变。 The procedures for voting on bills and motions in Legco shall remain unchanged in 2008.
民主阵营凭着余若薇在港岛区大胜,击败民建联。 The pro-democracy camp claimed victory over the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong after barrister Audrey Eu Yuet-mee won the Hong Kong Island by-election by a wide margin.
民主派希望得到过半数议席。 The pro-democracy camp hoping to gain at least half the seats.
民主派打算派出二十五名候选人,参选九月的立法会选举。 The pro-democracy camp is planning to put forward 25 candidates to stand for the Legislative Council elections in September.
民主派希望继区选大胜后,在立法选举中夺得六十席直选及功能组别议席中的半数。 The pro-democracy camp wants to secure half of the 60 seats in the legislature in direct and functional constituency elections following its victory in last November‘s district council polls.
保皇派集体离场抗议。 The pro-government camp staged a mass walkout in response.
(亲政府的)保皇党民建联大败。 The pro-government Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong suffered a clear defeat.
家居废物源头分类计划 the Programme on
工程进度 the progress of works
建桥工程可于八至十年内回本。 The project could recover investment eight to 10 years after completion.
无产阶级 the proletariat
两家铁路公司及市区重建局的物业发展计划 the property development projects of the two railway corporations and the Urban Renewal Authority
楼市正反弹。 The property market is rebounding.
直选议席的比例维持在百分之五十。 The proportion of directly elected seats would remain at 50 per cent.