内地的大型集会 the massive rallies on the mainland
主人房 the master bedroom
两名儿童绑架案幕后主脑罪名成立。 The mastermind behind the kidnapping of two children held captive.
最高可被判罚款一万元及入狱十二个月。 The maximum penalty is a $10000 fine and 12 months‘ imprisonment.
五一黄金周 the May Day holidays
香港医务委员会 The Medical Council of
医生执业条例 the Medical Registration
药力开始发作。 The medicine began to take effect.
教学语言 the medium of education
民主派成员 the members of the democratic camp
合并后电盈股东得益将主要来自股值增长,并非股息。 The merger would make us a growth company, not a dividend company.
长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River
主人房 the master bedroom
两名儿童绑架案幕后主脑罪名成立。 The mastermind behind the kidnapping of two children held captive.
最高可被判罚款一万元及入狱十二个月。 The maximum penalty is a $10000 fine and 12 months‘ imprisonment.
五一黄金周 the May Day holidays
香港医务委员会 The Medical Council of
医生执业条例 the Medical Registration
药力开始发作。 The medicine began to take effect.
教学语言 the medium of education
民主派成员 the members of the democratic camp
合并后电盈股东得益将主要来自股值增长,并非股息。 The merger would make us a growth company, not a dividend company.
长江中下游 the middle and lower reaches of Changjiang River
军方表示会支持首任民选总统瓦希德,纾缓了军方发动政变的危机。维兰托表示会和平离开。 The military backed Mr Wahid and General Wiranto said he would go peacefully, easing fears the army would overthrow the country‘s first democratically elected president.
台海两岸的军事平衡 the military balance in the Taiwan Strait
2007年行政长官的选举模式 the mode of election in 2007 for the chief executive
金管局在周四晚继续承接港元沽盘。 The monetary authority continued to buy Hong Kong dollars in offshore trading on Thursday.
更轻松的学习环境 the more relaxed learning atmosphere
交投最活跃的股票 the most actively traded stock
女性最常见的癌症 the most common cancer among women
最备受忽视的疾病 the most ignored
中日关系的最重要议题 the most important issue in Sino-Japanese relations
在反恐战中美国最重要的盟友 the most important partner America has in the war against extremist terrorism
头号通缉犯 the most wanted man
因为保皇党投反对票,要求特首董建华辞职的动议未能通过。 The motion calling for the resignation of Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa was voted down in Legco on Wednesday due to opposition from the pro-Tung camp.
激进分子的喉舌 the mouthpiece of radical extremists
由于政府官员原本预期有关收费会加价百分之三,是次冻结收费将减少库房收入四亿元。 The moves will cost the Government $400 million in revenue, based on a three per cent rise officials had suggested might be sought.
(前)地铁公司主席苏泽光 the MTR Corporation chairman Jack So Chak-kwong
地铁股票将于周日定价,并于十月五日开始交易。 The MTRC shares will be priced on Sunday and start trading on October 5.
经济不景,地铁公司不可再倚重拨地发展地产项目来维持收入。 The MTRC‘s heavy reliance on the granting of land for property development has proved unsustainable as a result of the economic downturn.
纳指正下试二千点支持位,若守不住恒指将在短期下试一万二千五百点,事缘电讯股在恒指中占颇重比例。 The Nasdaq is testing support at the 2,000 level - if it breaks below that the Hang Seng could test 12,500 in the near term because it has a high weighting of telecom stocks.
全国十三亿人口的生活水平应达小康社会水平 the nation‘s 1.3 billion people should be enjoying a living standard equivalent to that of a medium-sized developed economy
成人高考 the national higher education exams for self-taught adults
不分上下的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential election result
必须确保选举顺利进行。 The need for the election to proceed smoothly was the priority.
为了灭赤,政府无法再派糖。 The need to tackle the budget deficit means it is hard to hand out sweeteners.
油价高企及加息所带来的负面影响 the negative effects brought by high crude oil prices and increading interest rates
从未入住的住宅 the never-inhabited project
新服务不用付低结余月费,但客户每次使用柜员服务提款和转帐要付费二十元。 The new account escapes a minimum balance charge, but customers must pay $20 for using teller services for cash withdrawals and transfers.
新一代身分证 the new breed of identity cards
新任天主教港区主教陈日君 The new head of the Catholic Church in Hong Kong, Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun
(日本)公明党 the New Komeito
新路用来改善海队入口一带道路的挤塞情况。 The new road is aimed at easing jams at the tunnel entrance.