市民对政府满意程度 the level of public satisfaction with the Government‘s performance
预期自由党会在下届立法会得到十一至十二席,成为最大党。民建联得十席次之。 The Liberal Party is expected to get about 11 to 12 seats in the next Legco as the largest faction, followed by the DAB with about 10 votes.
用以维持生命的机器 the life support
香港人寿保险从业员协会 The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited
楼宇按揭上限将由楼价七成放宽至八成半。 The limit on mortgage borrowing will rise from 70 per cent to 85 per cent of a property‘s value.
名单显示共产党领导层将来一次大换班,年老的一辈退下来。 The list appears to show the ruling party is set for a major clearout of its elderly leadership.
会在十二月十六日如期上市。 The listing would go ahead as scheduled on December 16.
本地银行系统 the local banking system
物流业可充分发挥香港的既有优势,创造大量的就业机会。 The logistics industry can bring our existing advantages into full play and create many jobs.
双方经过七个月谈判,终在昨日凌晨三时达成协议。 The long-awaited deal was clinched after seven months of negotiations ended at 3 am yesterday.
期盼已久的新一代某物 the long-awaited product to something
现时交通流量较当初估计的少三成,导致隧道公司亏蚀。 The loss was attributed to a 30 per cent discrepancy between forecast and actual traffic flow.
预期自由党会在下届立法会得到十一至十二席,成为最大党。民建联得十席次之。 The Liberal Party is expected to get about 11 to 12 seats in the next Legco as the largest faction, followed by the DAB with about 10 votes.
用以维持生命的机器 the life support
香港人寿保险从业员协会 The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong Limited
楼宇按揭上限将由楼价七成放宽至八成半。 The limit on mortgage borrowing will rise from 70 per cent to 85 per cent of a property‘s value.
名单显示共产党领导层将来一次大换班,年老的一辈退下来。 The list appears to show the ruling party is set for a major clearout of its elderly leadership.
会在十二月十六日如期上市。 The listing would go ahead as scheduled on December 16.
本地银行系统 the local banking system
物流业可充分发挥香港的既有优势,创造大量的就业机会。 The logistics industry can bring our existing advantages into full play and create many jobs.
双方经过七个月谈判,终在昨日凌晨三时达成协议。 The long-awaited deal was clinched after seven months of negotiations ended at 3 am yesterday.
期盼已久的新一代某物 the long-awaited product to something
现时交通流量较当初估计的少三成,导致隧道公司亏蚀。 The loss was attributed to a 30 per cent discrepancy between forecast and actual traffic flow.
巴士的下层 the lower deck of the bus
低价政策 the low-price strategy
低税环境 the low-tax environment
罗湖桥将会扩阔,每小时流量将由现时的一万八千人次升至二万五千人次。 The Lowu footbridge will be widened to increase passenger flow from 18,000 an hour to 25,000.
春节包机 the Lunar New Year cross-strait charter flight arrangement
澳门特别行政区 the Macao Special Administrative Region
法官下令食环署要支付麦当劳三万元堂费。 The magistrate ordered that McDonald‘s $30000 in costs be paid by the Food and Hygiene Department.
中国人民银行行长周小川 The mainland‘s central bank chief, Zhou Xiaochuan
维持香港长远的繁荣和稳定 the maintenance of Hong Kong‘s long-term prosperity and stability
维持香港国际金融中心的地位 the maintenance of Hong Kong‘s status as an international financial centre
大股东 the major shareholder
十三亿人口中的大部分人未能共享经济成果。 The majority of the 1.3 billion population has not shared in the benefits.
香港立法会的大多数议员都不是透过直选产生。 The majority of the members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong were not elected by a popular franchise.
作出让步只会为恐怖分子壮胆,导致更多人质被掳。 The making of concessions would only have emboldened the terrorists and led to more hostages being taken.
男性市场 the male market
该名男子最近没有外游纪录。 The man had
情况危殆。 The man has been rushed to
管理层保证不会因是次变动辞退任何记者和新闻报导员。 The management gave an assurance that no reporters or anchors would be made redundant because of the switch.
卫报 The Manchester Guardian
这个地区的众多机会将为香港经济提供新动力、扭转经济衰退及创造更多就业机会。 The many opportunities in the region will provide a new impetus for Hong Kong‘s economy, relieve economic slowdown and create more jobs.
三二零和平公投 the March 20 peace referendum
民主进程对某些人来说是太慢,对某些人来说是太快。 The march to democracy was too slow for some and too quick for others.
市场预期人民币很快会升值。 The market expects the yuan is going to appreciate in the very near future.
办公室后端系统的市场正迅速饱和。 The market for back-office systems is rapidly maturing.
婚姻注册处 the marriage registries
(地震后的)废墟 the mass of dirt and concrete
淘大花园的大规模爆发疫潮 the mass outbreak of Sars
地铁和九铁通宵行驶。 The Mass Transit Railway and Kowloon-Canton Railway operated trains throughout the night.
地铁宣布自十二月十日起,乘客每周使用八达通乘搭地铁十次,将可获得一程免费优惠。 The Mass Transit Railway Corporation (MTRC) announced a six-month offer starting from December 10 that would give one free ride for every 10 trips taken using an Octopus card within a week.
地铁虽然开出的造价较低,只需二百三十亿元,但地铁要求政府拨出三幅发展土地,地铁拟定的全程票价也比九铁高百分之十五。 The Mass Transit Railway Corporation lodged a lower bid of $23 billion, but its tender asked for three pieces of land from the Government for property development and proposed 15 per cent higher passenger fares on full journeys.