新股每股作价五元正,较昨日收市价折让百分之七点四。 The new shares are priced at $5 each, a 7.4 per cent discount to yesterday‘s close of $5.40.
新制度有百利而无一害。 The new system has a hundred merits and not a single demerit.
新(交通灯)系统预计可用十年。 The new system has an estimated lifespan of 10 years.
新界北总区重案组 the New Territories North crime
新一年开市,投资者对中国股票仍然信心十足,买气甚盛,刺激国企指数上升百分之六点八三,再创六年新高。 The New Year opened with continued investor confidence in China-related shares as strong buying across the board propelled the H-share index 6.83 per cent higher to a six-year record.
纽约邮报 The New York Post
纽约时报 The New York Times
最近撤消管制的市场 the newly deregulated market
新选出的伊拉克政府 the newly elected Iraqi government
去年十一月公布的孙九招 the nine-point package of measures Mr Suen introduced last November
西北区的士司机从业员总会 The Northwest Area Taxi Drivers & Operators Association
诺沃克病毒 the Norwalk virus
新制度有百利而无一害。 The new system has a hundred merits and not a single demerit.
新(交通灯)系统预计可用十年。 The new system has an estimated lifespan of 10 years.
新界北总区重案组 the New Territories North crime
新一年开市,投资者对中国股票仍然信心十足,买气甚盛,刺激国企指数上升百分之六点八三,再创六年新高。 The New Year opened with continued investor confidence in China-related shares as strong buying across the board propelled the H-share index 6.83 per cent higher to a six-year record.
纽约邮报 The New York Post
纽约时报 The New York Times
最近撤消管制的市场 the newly deregulated market
新选出的伊拉克政府 the newly elected Iraqi government
去年十一月公布的孙九招 the nine-point package of measures Mr Suen introduced last November
西北区的士司机从业员总会 The Northwest Area Taxi Drivers & Operators Association
诺沃克病毒 the Norwalk virus
债券息率介乎三厘至三点五厘,换股价介乎电盈上周五收市价百分之二十一至二十六。 The notes will carry a coupon rate of between 3 per cent and 3.5 per cent and a conversion price set in a range of 21 per cent to 26 per cent to CyberWorks‘ closing price.
朝鲜半岛核问题 the nuclear issue on the Korean Peninsula
核不扩散条约 the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
核武的威胁 the nuclear threat
核武器小型化技术 the nuclear weapon miniaturisation technology
四成七,增加至六成二。 The number of
宽频用户数目 the number of broadband customers
立法会可增加直选议席,取消分组投票制。 The number of directly elected seats could be increased and Legco‘s split-voting system could be scrapped.
醉酒驾驶的个案正在上升。 The number of drink-driving cases has been rising.
互联网用户数目 the number of Internet users
调查的百分之三点六为高。 The number of people
创意产业的总就业人数 the number of people emplyed by creative industries
负资产单位数目增加百分之七至八万三千个。 The number of residential mortgages in negative equity increased seven per cent to more than 83,000.
有资格升读中六的学生数目 the number of students eligible to go on to Secondary Six
个案数字虽然不是很多,但其增长速度值得我们关注。 The number recorded might not be enormous but the rate of increase is worth our concern.
数字低估了实际情况。 The number underplayed the situation.
香港妇产科学会 The Obstetrical and Gynaecological
八达通是唯一一张电子钱卡能够用来乘搭地铁和其它交通工具,故一直以来很多人使用。 The Octopus card‘s popularity was ensured by its status as the monopoly card-payment system for the MTR and other transport services.
香港特别行政区政府驻北京办事处 The Office of the Government of the HKSAR in Beijing
亚洲的旅游业淡季 the off-peak season for Asian tourism
旧有的经济模式 the old economic model
旧启德机场 the old Kai Tak Airport
奥林匹克精神 the Olympic ideals; the Olympic spirit
香港公开大学 the Open University of Hong Kong
迪士尼乐园幕礼 the opening ceremony of Disneyland
营运管理处 The Operat ional Administration Department
警方在八月接获一宗投诉后展开行动。 The operation
若民主派在九月的立法会选举中大胜,可能会瘫痪政府运作。 The operations of government might become paralysed if democrats made big gains in the Legislative Council elections in September.
公安条例在殖民地时期成立,但在一九九六年作出修订,修订后请愿人士只须在事前知会警方就可以了。 The ordinance was introduced in colonial times, but was relaxed in 1996 so protest organisers needed only notify police in advance.
有机运动 the organic movement