(高教联)高等院校教职员会联会主席岑嘉评 The chairman of the Federation of Higher Education Staff Associations, Shum Kar-ping
香港记者协会主席麦燕庭 The chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists‘ Association, Mak Yin-ting
保护海港协会主席陆恭蕙 The chairwoman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour, Christine Loh Kung-wai
尽可能减低交差感染的机会。 The chance
某人生存机会 the chance for somebody‘s
换班 the change in leadership
因应社会诉求而作出的改变。 The change was proposed in response to community wishes.
受是次政治危机影响,台湾股市大幅波动。台北加权指数收市跌百分之二点五,兼且创下全年最低成交额纪录。 The chaos wreaked havoc on Taiwan‘s financial markets yesterday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange weighted index closed down 2.5 per cent on the lowest turnover of the year.
焦尸 the charred body
车臣首府格罗兹尼 the Chechen capital Grozny
两个口岸目前每日人流共二十八万人。 The checkpoints currently handle 280,000 people every day.
中正纪念堂 the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall
香港记者协会主席麦燕庭 The chairman of the Hong Kong Journalists‘ Association, Mak Yin-ting
保护海港协会主席陆恭蕙 The chairwoman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour, Christine Loh Kung-wai
尽可能减低交差感染的机会。 The chance
某人生存机会 the chance for somebody‘s
换班 the change in leadership
因应社会诉求而作出的改变。 The change was proposed in response to community wishes.
受是次政治危机影响,台湾股市大幅波动。台北加权指数收市跌百分之二点五,兼且创下全年最低成交额纪录。 The chaos wreaked havoc on Taiwan‘s financial markets yesterday. The Taiwan Stock Exchange weighted index closed down 2.5 per cent on the lowest turnover of the year.
焦尸 the charred body
车臣首府格罗兹尼 the Chechen capital Grozny
两个口岸目前每日人流共二十八万人。 The checkpoints currently handle 280,000 people every day.
中正纪念堂 the Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall
特首以健康理由辞职。 The Chief Executive cited problems with his health as the main reason for his resignation.
特首可以由全民普选产生 the Chief Executive could be returned by universal suffrage
行政长官选举条例 The Chief Executive Election Ordinance
特首是由中央政府钦点。 The chief executive is pre-ordained by the central government.
一人一票选出来的特首只会派发免费午餐。 The chief executive who gets elected by one-man, one-vote will only be a free-lunch advocate.
特首办 the Chief Executive‘s office
改革的主要阻力 the chief opponents of reform
政务司司长是下任特首的理想人选。 The Chief Secretary was an ideal candidate to be the territory‘s next Chief Executive.
保监会 the China Insurance Regulatory Commission
中国共产党今日在北京召开十六大。 The Chinese Communist Party convenes its 16th congress today in Beijing.
中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》 the Chinese national anthem, March of the Volunteers
香港中文大学(中大) the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
香港中文大学创业研究中心 The Chinese University of Hong Kong‘s Center for Entrepreneurship
该书的中文版 the Chinese-language version of the book
香港若不能与时并进,就可能失去国际金融中心的地位。 The city risked losing its status as an international financial centre if it failed to change with the times.
香港城市大学(城大) the City University of Hong Kong
城市基础设施建设 the city‘s infrastructure construction
罢课行动 the class boycott
资助则例 the Code of Aid
银行营运守则 the Code of Banking Practice
低息加上低楼价可提升买楼意欲,刺激私人楼宇市场。 The combination of low interest rates and low prices made people more willing to buy on the private market.
商务印书馆 The Commercial Press
新机场调查委员会 the Commission of the New Airport Inquiry
策略发展委员会 the Commission on Strategic Development
伊斯兰长老会 the Committee of Muslim Scholars
是广大市民的共同心愿 the common goal of our community
市民自然会疑惑那批政治任命的高官究竟有甚么新思维 the community can justly wonder exactly what new thinking his team of political appointees has engendered in the government
社会已分化。 The community is polarised.
该公司将花红与盈利状况挂?。 The company has linked the bonus to profit performance.
中国人寿在香港上市的股份下跌三角,收报五元四角,同时是拋空金额最大的股份。 The company‘s Hong Kong-listed shares dropped 30 HK cents to $5.40. It was also the most heavily shorted stock.