经过两日长达七小时的辩论,立法会以三十二票对二十六票通过(立法减薪)。 The bill was approved by 32 votes to 26 in Legco after a seven-hour debate that spanned two days.
议案将于今日投票表决。 The bill will be voted on today.
草案以三十六票对十八票获得通过。该条草案定明明年三月特首选举的程序。 The bill, which sets out procedures for the chief executive election in March, was passed into law by 36 to 18.
染。 The bird-flu virus manages to become easily
巴士在东区海底队道香港入口着火,两边行车管道封闭一小时,九龙的蓝田、观塘和九龙湾及香港岛的东区走廊都出现长长车龙。 The blaze at the Hong Kong end of the tunnel forced it to be closed in both directions for an hour, causing severe tailbacks in Lam Tin, Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay in Kowloon and along the Island Eastern Corridor on Hong Kong Island.
大火令随道两边的交通瘫痪逾一小时。 The blaze held up traffic on both sides of the harbour for more than an hour.
火警在往九龙方向的管道发生,令这条香港最旧的隧道要封闭近一小时。两边隧道口严重塞车。在港岛方面,车龙长达一点五公里,直至香港仔隧道。香港仔隧道交通亦受影响。 The blaze, in the Kowloon-bound lane also forced the tunnel —— Hong Kong oldest —— to close for about an hour, leaving huge traffic tail-backs at both ends. A queue stretched 1.5km from the Hong Kong Island exit in Causeway Bay back to Aberdeen Tunnel, wh
是次罢驶行动 the blockade
委员会将于明天开会,讨论在香港落实最低工资政策是否可行。 The board is to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible minimum wage policy for Hong Kong.
四日前在香港仔一间餐厅外被掳走的五岁男童罗绍伟,昨日被发现浮尸青衣对开海面,全身遭捆绑。 The body of missing five-year-old Law Shui-wai was found trussed up and drowned off Tsing Yi yesterday, three days after he was abducted outside a restaurant in Aberdeen.
弃尸悬崖下 the body was dumped over a cliff
就国安条例进行假咨询 the bogus consultation on national security laws
议案将于今日投票表决。 The bill will be voted on today.
草案以三十六票对十八票获得通过。该条草案定明明年三月特首选举的程序。 The bill, which sets out procedures for the chief executive election in March, was passed into law by 36 to 18.
染。 The bird-flu virus manages to become easily
巴士在东区海底队道香港入口着火,两边行车管道封闭一小时,九龙的蓝田、观塘和九龙湾及香港岛的东区走廊都出现长长车龙。 The blaze at the Hong Kong end of the tunnel forced it to be closed in both directions for an hour, causing severe tailbacks in Lam Tin, Kwun Tong and Kowloon Bay in Kowloon and along the Island Eastern Corridor on Hong Kong Island.
大火令随道两边的交通瘫痪逾一小时。 The blaze held up traffic on both sides of the harbour for more than an hour.
火警在往九龙方向的管道发生,令这条香港最旧的隧道要封闭近一小时。两边隧道口严重塞车。在港岛方面,车龙长达一点五公里,直至香港仔隧道。香港仔隧道交通亦受影响。 The blaze, in the Kowloon-bound lane also forced the tunnel —— Hong Kong oldest —— to close for about an hour, leaving huge traffic tail-backs at both ends. A queue stretched 1.5km from the Hong Kong Island exit in Causeway Bay back to Aberdeen Tunnel, wh
是次罢驶行动 the blockade
委员会将于明天开会,讨论在香港落实最低工资政策是否可行。 The board is to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible minimum wage policy for Hong Kong.
四日前在香港仔一间餐厅外被掳走的五岁男童罗绍伟,昨日被发现浮尸青衣对开海面,全身遭捆绑。 The body of missing five-year-old Law Shui-wai was found trussed up and drowned off Tsing Yi yesterday, three days after he was abducted outside a restaurant in Aberdeen.
弃尸悬崖下 the body was dumped over a cliff
就国安条例进行假咨询 the bogus consultation on national security laws
由下月起,罗湖和落马洲口岸每日的通关时段将延长至午夜十二时。 The border opening hours at Lowu and Lok Ma Chau will be extended to midnight every day from next month.
中国未来发展的瓶颈 the bottleneck for the future development of China
简言之中央政府已扭尽六壬防止民主派获得大多数议席。 The bottom line is Beijing has gone to great lengths to ensure the pro-democracy camp does not win a majority.
招股价下限和每股资产净值相若。 The bottom of the range is close to the company‘s net asset value.
男童称他被捕后对计算机的兴趣荡然无存。该男童因在网站供网友下载歌曲而被捕。 The boy said his passion for computers evaporated after his arrest for setting up a Web site that Internet users could access to download songs.
男童的母亲患有糖尿病,可能因此造成早产。 The boy‘s
早餐派 the Breakfast Group
传播内容处 The Broadcasting Content Department
上半年财赤达七百零八亿元,乃有史以来最多。 The budget deficit for the first half of the fiscal year swelled to a record $70.8 billion
预算案赤字由预期的三百六十五亿元大幅减少至十六亿元。 The budget deficit had dropped from a forecast $36.5 billion to just $1.6 billion.
有关当局正在调查是次事件和之前数宗偷渡案是否有关。 The bureau is investigating if the syndicate was linked with previous cases.
科技泡沫爆破 the bursting of the technology sector bubble
商界 the business community/the business sector
该名商人协助调查后获无条件释放。 The businessman
执政党民进党的竞选总部 the campaign headquarters of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party
资本投资者入境计划/投资移民计划 the capital investment entrant scheme
受偷步买车丑闻缠绕的财政司司长 the car-buying controversy that has engulfed Hong Kong‘s financial secretary
后来事件曝光。 The case came to light later.
是次判决触及市场经济和自由的核心问题,这问题近来已引起广泛议论。 The case cuts to the heart of current debate on freedom and market economies.
银根短绌的北韩政府 the cash-strapped Pyongyang regime
(台)中央选举委员会(中选会) the Central Election Commission
中选会今天会正式宣布陈水扁胜选。 The Central Election Commission will today formally decree Mr Chen as the winner.
中央政府会听取民意。 The central government will listen to the opinions of the community.
中央政府的最新政策 the central government‘s latest policies
中央政府放宽内地旅客来港的旅游限制 the central government‘s relaxation of travel restrictions
中央领导人 the central leaders
中环填海区 the Central reclamation area
中环及湾仔绕道工程 the Central-Wan Chai bypass road project
合和实业主席胡应湘 the chairman of Hopewell Holdings, Sir Gordon Wu Ying-sheung
全国政协主席 the chairman of the Chinese People‘s Political Consultative Conference