滚雪球似地迅速增大的效应 snowball effect
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
以免分薄票源 so as not to split the vote
扫杆埔 So Kon Po
消费者一日预期价格仍会下跌,就一日不会购物,只会买最必需要用的物品。 So long as consumers see prices continuing to fall, they will hold off making anything but the most essential purchases.
咽喉炎 soar throat
聆讯期间一直饮泣 sobbed throughout the proceedings???
社会精英 social elites
未来将引发社会问题。 Social problems are being stored up for the future.
公共福利金 social security allowance
公共福利金计划 Social Security Allowance Scheme
社会福利署 Social Welfare Department
鼻烟壶 snuff bottle
以免分薄票源 so as not to split the vote
扫杆埔 So Kon Po
消费者一日预期价格仍会下跌,就一日不会购物,只会买最必需要用的物品。 So long as consumers see prices continuing to fall, they will hold off making anything but the most essential purchases.
咽喉炎 soar throat
聆讯期间一直饮泣 sobbed throughout the proceedings???
社会精英 social elites
未来将引发社会问题。 Social problems are being stored up for the future.
公共福利金 social security allowance
公共福利金计划 Social Security Allowance Scheme
社会福利署 Social Welfare Department
社会福利政策 social-service policies
社区组织协会 Society for Community Organisation
复康会 Society for Rehabilitation, HK
香港耆康老人福利会 Society for the Aged, HK
香港戒毒会 Society for the Aid & Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers
香港盲人辅导会 Society for the Blind, HK
爱护动物协会 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
香港保护儿童会 Society for the Protection of Children, HK
善导会 Society for the Rehabilitation of
肛交 sodomy (n)
汽水货车 soft-drink delivery truck
重皮蟹 Soft-shelled Crab
企业管理软件 software for enterprise resource planning (ERP)
软件制造商 software maker
在家办公族/小型办公室和家庭办公室 SOHO(Small Office/Home Office)
索罟湾 Sok Kwu Wan
创价学会 Soka Gakkai
索罟群岛 Soko Islands
争取支持 solicit support/shore up support
事务律师 solicitor; In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly fr
内地自由行旅客 solo mainland travellers
自由行旅客 solo tourists
兴建新道路解决挤塞问题 solve congestion with a new road
索马里(摩加迪沙) Somalia(Mogadishu)
千禧年来临,将出动二万名纪律部队人员维持秩序。 Some
目前只找到八十五具尸体。 Some 225 people were
周二发表的一份调查指出,二零零三年底共有百分之二十三点六的青少年「双失」-失业兼失学。 Some 23.6 per cent of young people polled in a study released on Tuesday were "double unengaged‘‘ - both jobless and no longer being educated - by the end of 2003.
获公明党支持的自民党候选人中有八成当选。相反,不获公明党认可的自民党候选人则只有五成五当选。 Some 80% of LDP candidates who received New Komeito endorsement this time around were elected. In contrast, 55% of LDP candidates without the New Komeito imprimatur won their races.
部分蚂蚁已送往实验室检验。 Some ants have been collected for laboratory identification.
把炸弹包裹成礼物模样送到神职人员手上。 Some bombs had been sent to clerics wrapped as gifts.