斯洛文尼亚(卢布尔雅那) Slovenia(Ljubljana)
纾缓近视加深速度 slow down the
(经济)增长放缓 slow down/turn down/weaken (v)
很迟才意识到病毒的严重性 slow in
令网络变得非常慢 slow the Web to a crawl
行贿基金 slush fund
中小型企业委员会 Small and Medium Enterprises Committee
小额存户 small depositors
小投资者 small investors
薄利多销 small profit, large sale volume
小伤口/小溃烂 small sores
细单位 small units
纾缓近视加深速度 slow down the
(经济)增长放缓 slow down/turn down/weaken (v)
很迟才意识到病毒的严重性 slow in
令网络变得非常慢 slow the Web to a crawl
行贿基金 slush fund
中小型企业委员会 Small and Medium Enterprises Committee
小额存户 small depositors
小投资者 small investors
薄利多销 small profit, large sale volume
小伤口/小溃烂 small sores
细单位 small units
小班教学 small-class teaching
可以在沙田试行小班教学。 Small-class teaching could be implemented in Sha Tin on a trial basis.
基围虾 Small-sized Shrimp
智慧卡 Smart Card
智能身分证 smart identity cards
智能卷标 smart tags
数码通 Smartone
捣毁了几个黑社会集团 smashed some trial societies
涂片试验(测子宫颈癌) smear test
在子女面前吸烟 smoke in front of their
每天吸数包香烟 smoked several packs a
无烟 smoke-free
烟民比非吸烟人士要服用较多伟哥才有反应。 Smokers
吸烟(公共卫生)条例 Smoking (Public Health)
和吸烟有关的疾病 smoking-related
和吸烟有关疾病 smoking-related illnesses
浓烟多的汽车 smoky vehicles
畅通工程 Smooth Traffic Project
大虾仔 Smooth-backed Shrimp
走私香烟 smuggled cigarettes
走私分子/走私者 smugglers
生鱼 Snake Head
蛇头 snakehead
(在发展商)激烈推托下,三幅住宅用地以超理想价成交 snap up three sites at higher-than-expected prices
买下规模较小的竞争对手 snapping up smaller competitors
诱捕一条蛇 snare the snake
身怀猎枪偷渡来港 sneak into the SAR with a shotgun
从海路偷渡入港 sneaked into Hong Kong by sea
不停打喷嚏 sneeze non-stop
白雪公主 Snow White