可能会削减部分巴士线 some bus routes were likely to be cut
部分市民或不认同,但我深信该条法律没有问题。 Some citizens may disagree, but I sincerely believe that there is no problem with this law.
有些家长投诉子女被派到将军澳等地区。 Some complained that their children were allocated places in areas such as Tseung Kwan O.
有部分幼儿园利润超过二百万元,但仍获发还租金和差饷超过四十六万元。 Some kindergartens made more than $2 million in profits but were still given rent and rates reimbursement of more than $460,000.
部分亲中人士 some members of the pro-Beijing camp
部分评论员指把所有候选人放进同一个名单可能有反效果,导致「长毛」梁国雄可以胜选。 Some observers suggest its strategy of grouping all candidates on one list could backfire and give maverick activist "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung a seat.
住,不然滚下全部十米山坡,乘客恐怕会丧命。 Some of
会皮肤发炎。 Some of the euro coins have been
部分世上最贫穷的国家 some of the world‘s most impoverished nations
平均寿命。 Some of these things may reduce our life
一些和小班教学有关的海外研究 some overseas studies on small class teaching
有些政党没有公布候选人名单。 Some parties did not reveal their candidate lists.
部分市民或不认同,但我深信该条法律没有问题。 Some citizens may disagree, but I sincerely believe that there is no problem with this law.
有些家长投诉子女被派到将军澳等地区。 Some complained that their children were allocated places in areas such as Tseung Kwan O.
有部分幼儿园利润超过二百万元,但仍获发还租金和差饷超过四十六万元。 Some kindergartens made more than $2 million in profits but were still given rent and rates reimbursement of more than $460,000.
部分亲中人士 some members of the pro-Beijing camp
部分评论员指把所有候选人放进同一个名单可能有反效果,导致「长毛」梁国雄可以胜选。 Some observers suggest its strategy of grouping all candidates on one list could backfire and give maverick activist "Long Hair" Leung Kwok-hung a seat.
住,不然滚下全部十米山坡,乘客恐怕会丧命。 Some of
会皮肤发炎。 Some of the euro coins have been
部分世上最贫穷的国家 some of the world‘s most impoverished nations
平均寿命。 Some of these things may reduce our life
一些和小班教学有关的海外研究 some overseas studies on small class teaching
有些政党没有公布候选人名单。 Some parties did not reveal their candidate lists.
部分政客为了本身的政治利益而误导群众、分化社会。 Some politicians misled the public and divided society for the sake of their own political benefit.
有些学生直言会抄功课。 Some pupils admitted to copying answers from classmates.
有些学校因为声誉不好,所以收生不足。 Some schools are underenrolled because of a lack of reputation.
一些学校收生不足。 Some schools were unable to fill their classes.
御措施。 Some wives continued to have
部分青少年非常沉迷玩摇摇,最近四周就有至少十一名青少年被发现在商店偷摇摇。 Some youngsters are so gripped by the fad that at least 11 have been caught stealing yo-yos from department stores within the past four weeks.
某国与某国建立全面伙伴关系 somebody and somebody announced a ‘comprehensive partnership‘
某人仍可能被循其它途径检控 somebody could still be sued through other avenues
有人要求她(梁爱诗)辞职 somebody faced calls for her resignation
某人有当总统的野心 somebody has presidential ambitions
必须扣押某人 somebody must remain behind bars
泼某人冷水 somebody suffered the snub
某人被棍击中头部 somebody was clubbed over the head
箍颈 somebody was held by the neck by somebody
令某人不知所措 somebody was left bewildered
某人生存机会渺茫 somebody was not
监视某人 somebody was placed under surveillance
某人将在法院提堂 somebody will appear in court
有婚姻问题的人 somebody with marital problems
(某人)虽不在现场但仍有罪 somebody‘s absence did not exonerate him
某事为某人未来的关键 somebody‘s future would hinge on something
公然不理会某国 somebody‘s opinion is openly ignored
翻落十米多的山谷 somersaulted down a 10-metre
很容易接触某物 something are very accessible
导致火警和浓烟迅速蔓延 something contributed to the
某物对年青人甚吸引 something had a wide appeal for young people
号称可以(治疗某病) something is reputed to do
以原封不动的状况出售 something is sold intact
某事致使某人需坐轮椅过活 something left somebody in
需对某物进行多点研究 something still need more study