单身女士、单身女性 single women
单程车票 single/single ticket/single-journey tickets
普通近视镜片/非渐进式镜片 single-vision lenses
星加坡电信总裁李显扬 SingTel president Lee Hsien Yang
(爱尔兰共和军)新芬党 Sinn Fein
中英联合声明 Sino-British Joint Declaration
中美关系 Sino-US relations
中梵关系 Sino-Vatican relations
蓄脓症 sinusitis
斯里兰卡总统库马拉通加 Sir Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga
中电前主席高登爵士 Sir Sidney Gordon, a former China Light & Power chairman
静坐行动 sit-down protest
单程车票 single/single ticket/single-journey tickets
普通近视镜片/非渐进式镜片 single-vision lenses
星加坡电信总裁李显扬 SingTel president Lee Hsien Yang
(爱尔兰共和军)新芬党 Sinn Fein
中英联合声明 Sino-British Joint Declaration
中美关系 Sino-US relations
中梵关系 Sino-Vatican relations
蓄脓症 sinusitis
斯里兰卡总统库马拉通加 Sir Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga
中电前主席高登爵士 Sir Sidney Gordon, a former China Light & Power chairman
静坐行动 sit-down protest
坐在十九楼的栏杆上 sitting on the railings on the
兆康 Siu Hong
小榄 Siu Lam
小西湾 Siu Sai Wan
昨天补选共有六人角逐,一般视为民建联的钟树根和得到民主派支持的无党派人士余若薇之争。 Six candidates fought yesterday‘s election, widely seen as a battle between Christopher Chung Shu-kun of the Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong and non-affiliated barrister Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, who has the backing of the democratic camp.
六日来日以继夜的谈判 six gruelling days and nights of negotiations
其它疾病。死亡人数累积至九十四人。 Six more
六名涉嫌绑架撕票一名十三岁男童的疑犯落网。 Six people have been arrested in connection with the kidnap and murder of a 13-year-old boy.
把火救熄。 Sixty firetrucks and more
滑板车 skate bic/scooter
技术劳工短缺 skilled-labour shortages
暴露的泳装/性感的泳衣 skimpy swimsuits
接受皮肤移植手术的病人 skin-graft
避过资源不足的敏感话题 skirting the delicate issue of inadequate resources
易受惊的投资者 skittish investors
空中花园 sky garden
板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building
保安松懈 slack security
猛击某人 slam into somebody
大幅减少津贴 slash allowances
大减收费 slash charges
削减支出,纾缓财赤 slash spending to trim the budget deficit
减少公务员数目 slash the size of the civil service
缩班百分之五十 slash their schedules by almost 50%
火耕农业 slash-and-burn farming
屠房 slaughterhouse
(火车)卧车 sleeping car
弹弓 slingshots
滑失率 Slip Rate
斯洛伐克(布拉迪斯拉发) Slovakia(Bratislava)