报名参选下个月举行的区议会选举 signed up yesterday for next month‘s district council elections
大幅减少二氧化碳的排放量 significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide
签悔过书 signing a statement of
为书迷签名 signing books for his fans
和解迹象 signs of reconciliation
锡克教 Sikhism
硅谷 Silicon Valley
银紫荆星章 Silver Bauhinia Star
所有发电量超过一亿二千五百万瓦的煤发电厂和石油发电厂均会于二零零七年前进行类似施工。 Similar works will be carried out on all oil-fired and coal-fired power plants with a capacity over 125 megawatts by 2007.
入境处助理处长白韫六 Simon Peh Yun-lu, Immigration Department assistant director
简易邮件传送通信协议 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (简称 SMTP)
简易网络管理通信协议 Simple Network Management Protocol (简称 SNMP)
大幅减少二氧化碳的排放量 significantly reduce the emission of carbon dioxide
签悔过书 signing a statement of
为书迷签名 signing books for his fans
和解迹象 signs of reconciliation
锡克教 Sikhism
硅谷 Silicon Valley
银紫荆星章 Silver Bauhinia Star
所有发电量超过一亿二千五百万瓦的煤发电厂和石油发电厂均会于二零零七年前进行类似施工。 Similar works will be carried out on all oil-fired and coal-fired power plants with a capacity over 125 megawatts by 2007.
入境处助理处长白韫六 Simon Peh Yun-lu, Immigration Department assistant director
简易邮件传送通信协议 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (简称 SMTP)
简易网络管理通信协议 Simple Network Management Protocol (简称 SNMP)
简单的减压方法 simple stress-reduction techniques
简单的税制 simple tax structure
简化和加快勾地程序 simplify and speed up the release of a site
简化台湾旅客入境程序 simplify procedures for Taiwan tourists visiting the SAR
简化调配和解雇人手的程序 simplify redeployment and redundancy of staff
简化签证程序 simplify visa procedures
简化发牌程序 simplifying licensing procedures
只能治标 simply attack symptoms
只管及时竣工,不理质素 simply concentrating on meeting the deadline
原罪 sin
单仲偕 Sin Chung-kai
冼锦华遭廉署调查。他涉嫌泄露扫黄行动情报,以换取免费性服务。 Sin was alleged by the ICAC to have accepted sex in exchange for tip-offs about vice raids.
自回归以后 since reunification
踏入今年以来,香港经济从亚洲金融风暴复苏的步伐明显加快。上半年本地生产总值录得双位数字的强劲增长。 Since the beginning of this year, the pace of our recovery from the Asian financial turmoil has quickened significantly. Our Gross Domestic Product attained robust double-digit growth in the first half of the year.
自从配额制度在1月1日取消 since the ending of the quota system on January 1
回归以来,香港的房屋政策经常改变方向,政府先是想遏抑楼市,之后则想刺激楼市。 Since the handover, we have seen many changes of direction in Hong Kong‘s housing policy as the government first sought to bring prices down and then to push them up.
自从民主党提出和解,董建华和中央都迅速并正面响应。 Since the olive-branch offer from the democrats, both Tung Chee-hwa and Beijing have reacted swiftly and positively.
旅游警告生效以来 Since the travel advisory was
星岛日报 Sing Tao Daily
新加坡航空 Singapore Airlines
新加坡有十六宗感染个案。台湾有三宗。 Singapore has
新加坡海峡时报指数 Singapore Straits Times Index
新加坡/星加坡(新加坡/星加坡) Singapore(Singapore)
新加坡第三任总理李显龙 Singapore‘s thrid Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
时下青少年偶像有歌星谢霆锋和模特儿张柏芝。 Singer Nicholas Tse Ting-fung and model Cheung Pak-chi are the teen idols of the moment.
单路载波 Single Channel Per Carrier (简称 SCPC)
单身置业人士 single home buyers
单亲妈妈 single mom
领综援的单亲家长 single parents who were on Comprehensive Social Security Assistance
单侧频带调变 Single Side Band (简称 SSB)