远程交换单元 Remote Switch Unit (简称 RSU )
遥控炸弹 remote-activated bombs
拆迁费用 removal expense
清拆僭建物 remove illegal structures
取消过时或不必要的规管 remove outdated or unnecessary regulations
把示威者驱离政府总部/在政府总部清场 remove protesters from government HQ
清理瓦砾 remove the debris
扫除劣质公司 remove the worst-performing stocks
移走富户 remove wealthy tenants
脱去她的所有衣服 removed all her clothing
脱去女儿内裤 removed his daughter‘s
罢免特首 removed the chief executive from office
遥控炸弹 remote-activated bombs
拆迁费用 removal expense
清拆僭建物 remove illegal structures
取消过时或不必要的规管 remove outdated or unnecessary regulations
把示威者驱离政府总部/在政府总部清场 remove protesters from government HQ
清理瓦砾 remove the debris
扫除劣质公司 remove the worst-performing stocks
移走富户 remove wealthy tenants
脱去她的所有衣服 removed all her clothing
脱去女儿内裤 removed his daughter‘s
罢免特首 removed the chief executive from office
肾动脉 renal artery
肾静脉 renal vein
廷续专营权 renew its franchise
延续商台牌照十二年 renewing Commercial Radio‘s licence for a further 12 years
要求北京宣布放弃对台湾使用武力 renounce the use of force against the island
翻新残旧的楼宇 renovate their rundown buildings
著名的 renowned
以…著名的 renowned for something
旺角的租金非常昂贵。 Rent in Mongkok is very expensive.
租住屋 rental estates
重新展开谈判 reopen dialogue/reopen negotiations/put the talks back on track
重开公众泳池 reopen public swimming pools
重新定位,注重民生 reorientate itself towards livelihood policies
战败国所作的赔偿 reparations (pl)
遣送回国、遣返 repatriate (vt); The refugees were forcibly repatriated.
分二十四期偿还本金和利息 repay the principal and interest by 24 monthly installments
曲目 repertory
用二座位取代三座位 replace three-seat benches with double-seats
更换热水炉 replace water heaters
换手提电话 replaced their handsets
以不定额的奖金取代年终双粮 replacing their fixed 13th-month pay with a flexible bonus
(漫画)武器仿制品 replica weapons/ toy weapons
冒牌货 replicas
向警方报到 report back to police
报喜不报忧 report only the good but not the bad
表示收到恐吓勒索 reported threats or blackmail attempts
报导政治敏感内容 reporting politically sensitive material
水浸报告 reports of flooding
代表商界利益 represent business interests
代表台湾出席多个国际论坛 represented the island‘s government in various international forums