高压统治 repressive rule
专制的 repressive/authoritarian
申斥、训诫 reprimand
不良报导 repugnant articles
要求集中验票 require centralised recounting of all votes
无须政府注资 required no government funding
必须创造配套条件 requires the creation of the necessary complementary conditions
撤销原案 rescind the case
救援 rescue (n)/(vt); rescue sb
他们已确定无望找到更多生还者。 Rescue efforts were
拯救被车臣恐怖分子挟持的人质 rescue hostages trapped by Chechen terrorists
救援队伍 rescue team
专制的 repressive/authoritarian
申斥、训诫 reprimand
不良报导 repugnant articles
要求集中验票 require centralised recounting of all votes
无须政府注资 required no government funding
必须创造配套条件 requires the creation of the necessary complementary conditions
撤销原案 rescind the case
救援 rescue (n)/(vt); rescue sb
他们已确定无望找到更多生还者。 Rescue efforts were
拯救被车臣恐怖分子挟持的人质 rescue hostages trapped by Chechen terrorists
救援队伍 rescue team
拯救人质,确保他们安然无恙 rescue the hostages unharmed
者生存机会更渺茫。 Rescuers rummaged
连场暴雨令救援工作受阻。 Rescuers were hampered by
国务院经济技术社会发展研究中心 Research Centre to Advise on Economic, Technological and Social Development
研究资助局 Research Grants Council
研究员/研究人员 researchers
储备基金 reserve funds
徙置屋 resettlement estates
重组内阁 reshuffle his cabinet
常驻记者 resident correspondent
安老院条例 Residential Care Homes (Elderly Persons) Ordinance
住宅单位 residential units
后遗伤残 residual disability
残余农药 residues of banned pesticides
集体辞职、集体请辞、总辞 resign en masse
引咎辞职 resigned to assume responsibility
抵抗入侵的日本帝国军队 resist the invading forces of imperial Japan
(东帝汶)独立运动领袖古斯芒 Resistance leader Xanana Gusmao
升势受压 resistance to the rise set in
?? resistant enterococci (VRE)
被带返警署后拒绝下车 resisted being removed from police vehicles upon their arrival at the police station
重考 re-sit the exam
坚决取缔非法劳工 resolutely clamp down on illegal workers
坚守一个中国原则 resolutely protects the one-China principle
(劳资双方)和解 resolution (labour)
决议 resolution (n) (diplomacy); to pass / adopt / carry a resolution/The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities./The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
化解矛盾 resolve conflicts
解决空气污染问题 resolve the air pollution issue
在第二任任期期间解决财赤问题 resolve the budget deficit within his second term
透过对话解决分歧 resolving disputes by dialogue