加推更多单位满足买家需求 release more units to meet buyers‘ interest
公开刑事案中疑犯和受害者的名字 release the names of suspects and victims in criminal cases
释放负面情绪 release the negative emotions
公布乐园的入场人次 release the park attendance figures
发表宣言 released a manifesto
发请愿信支持被捕学生 released a petition in support of the arrested students
准许该对夫妇以五万元补释 released the couple on
救援物资 relief goods
纾缓住户缴交差饷的负担 relieve the burden of ratepayers
纾缓市民的困境/纾解民困 relieve the hardships of our people/ease the public‘s economic pain/relieve the plight of the masses/soothe the people‘s plight
减少港岛区的塞车情况 relieve traffic congestion on Hong Kong Island
纾缓压力 relieving stress
公开刑事案中疑犯和受害者的名字 release the names of suspects and victims in criminal cases
释放负面情绪 release the negative emotions
公布乐园的入场人次 release the park attendance figures
发表宣言 released a manifesto
发请愿信支持被捕学生 released a petition in support of the arrested students
准许该对夫妇以五万元补释 released the couple on
救援物资 relief goods
纾缓住户缴交差饷的负担 relieve the burden of ratepayers
纾缓市民的困境/纾解民困 relieve the hardships of our people/ease the public‘s economic pain/relieve the plight of the masses/soothe the people‘s plight
减少港岛区的塞车情况 relieve traffic congestion on Hong Kong Island
纾缓压力 relieving stress
宗教仪式 religious ceremonies
宗教领袖 religious leader
交出权力 relinquish power
放弃议席 relinquished his seat
发梦期睡眠行为紊乱症 REM sleep
留下来任集团顾问 remain a consultant to the group
留任军委会主席 remain as chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission
逍遥法外 remain at large
面对中共的盛怒要保持信心 remain confident in the face of Beijing‘s wrath
保持中立 remain impartial
留院观察 remain in hospital under
在港没有着落 remain in limbo in Hong Kong
继续反对实行最低工资 remain opposed to introducing a minimum wage
保外帮教 remain out of custody by receiving help from the family or work unit
质疑「商人治港」的做法 remain sceptical over the scenario of businesspeople ruling Hong Kong
保持清醒头脑,增强忧患意识和历史责任感 remain sober-minded, become more aware of potential problems and enhance our sense of historical responsibility
对楼市前景仍有信心 remained confident of the market prospect
(指病)没有发作 remained dormant
要留院,情况稳定 remained in a stable
认为政府兴建十号干线的理据并不充分 remained unconvinced by the Government‘s reasons for building Route 10
仍未推出市场出售 remained unsold
仍然是计时炸弹(指问题) remains a powderkeg
正以一千万美元保释候审 remains free on US $10
仍在机上 remains on board
仍受负资产困扰 remains trapped in negative equity
把他们还押监房 remanded them in custody
在前妻死后再婚 remarry after the death
不断上升的失业率 remorseless rise in unemployment
遥测隔离器 Remote Line Disconnector
电话用户回路遥测接口隔离器 Remote Line Disconnector (简称 RLD )