区域贝尔电话公司 Regional Bell Operating Company (简称 RBOC )
登记做选民 register as voters
注册中医师 registered Chinese medicine
注册药剂师 registered pharmacists
公司注册处处长钟悟思 Registrar of Companies Mr Gordon Jones
常客 regular customers
定期自我检查 regular self-examinations
固定性伴侣 regular sex partners
监管内部认购 regulate internal sales
管制野生动物买卖 regulates trade in wildlife
固定通信业务管理规则 Regulations Governing Fixed Network Telecommunications Businesses
行动通信业务管理规则 Regulations Governing the Telecommunications Business
登记做选民 register as voters
注册中医师 registered Chinese medicine
注册药剂师 registered pharmacists
公司注册处处长钟悟思 Registrar of Companies Mr Gordon Jones
常客 regular customers
定期自我检查 regular self-examinations
固定性伴侣 regular sex partners
监管内部认购 regulate internal sales
管制野生动物买卖 regulates trade in wildlife
固定通信业务管理规则 Regulations Governing Fixed Network Telecommunications Businesses
行动通信业务管理规则 Regulations Governing the Telecommunications Business
复康器材 rehabilitation-aid equipment
重弹老调、陈腔滥调 rehash/sticking to his old line/proclaims banalities
成为一九九一和九二年的世界首富 reigned as the richest man in the world in 1991 and 1992
对传媒再次下达封口令 reimposed the media ban
临崖勒马 rein in at the brink of the precipice
防止赤字再增长 rein in Hong Kong‘s growing budget deficit
轮回 reincarnation
克制党内激进分子 reined in his party‘s hotheads
努力在现有基础上强化我们在金融、物流、旅游和工商业支持服务四个经济主要支柱的优势 reinforce our strengths in our four main economic pillars - finance, logistics, tourism and producer services sectors
加强政策研究能力 reinforce the policy research capability
重申一国两际的重要性 reinforced the importance of "one country, two systems"
重振经济 reinvigorate a slumping economy
重燃欧洲人的反美情绪 reinvigorated anti-American feeling throughout Europe
重申 reiterate
重申支持台湾关系法 reiterated his support for Taiwan Relations Act
重申食水适合饮用 reiterated that water was safe for consumption
维持对中国移动的评级为「买入」 reiterated their ‘‘buy‘‘ rating on China Mobile
拒绝某人对某事的请求 reject somebody‘s pleas for something
拒绝接受和解方案/拒绝接受赔偿方案 reject the settlement proposal
漠视美国的最后通牒,不会流亡 rejected a US ultimatum for the Iraqi leader to go into exile
拒绝民主党的要求,不会召开特别聆讯调查事件 rejected calls from the Democratic Party for a special hearing into the matter
拒绝让受害者索偿 rejected victims‘ claims for compensation
(健康)再度恶化 relapse (n)/(v);
相关学科 related disciplines
放宽旅客签证限制 relax visa restrictions on tourists
放宽内地来港游客的限制 relaxing curbs on mainland visitors
放宽外地人士来港投资的入境政策 relaxing restrictions on the entry of overseas investors to Hong Kong
转达特首关注 relayed Mr Tung‘s concern
出笼 release a bad publication, plan, etc.
释放你们手上所有人质 release all your hostages