研究其它支线计划 review other alignment proposals
检讨公屋的租金水平 review public housing rent levels
检讨港台角色 review the role of RTHK
检讨收费以确保津贴用得其所 reviewed
把日本二零零三年的经济增长预测从百分之零点八提升至百分之二 revising its projected 2003 economic-growth rate for Japan from 0.8% to 2.0%
重返案发现场 revisited the crime scene
复兴农业 revive its farm industry
振兴楼市 revive property activity
振兴低迷的楼市 revive the flagging property market
恢复一些手部动作 revived some hand
恢复殖民地传统 reviving the colonial tradition
恢复以巴间的和平进程 reviving the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians
检讨公屋的租金水平 review public housing rent levels
检讨港台角色 review the role of RTHK
检讨收费以确保津贴用得其所 reviewed
把日本二零零三年的经济增长预测从百分之零点八提升至百分之二 revising its projected 2003 economic-growth rate for Japan from 0.8% to 2.0%
重返案发现场 revisited the crime scene
复兴农业 revive its farm industry
振兴楼市 revive property activity
振兴低迷的楼市 revive the flagging property market
恢复一些手部动作 revived some hand
恢复殖民地传统 reviving the colonial tradition
恢复以巴间的和平进程 reviving the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians
撤消某人的居港权 revoke right of abode for somebody
解除对法德荷食品三个星期的禁令 revoked its
开除宋楚瑜六名亲信党藉 revoked memberships of six aides close to Mr Soong
以花红奖励表现好的员工 reward staff for good performance by means of bonuses
(土地)改作住宅用途 rezoned for housing
无线电波电磁场 RF fields
无线电波加热器 RF heaters
无线电波调变 RF modulations
RG — 58同轴电缆 RG-58 Coaxial Cable
RG — 62同轴电缆 RG-62 Coaxial Cable
煸动性语言 rhetoric
风湿热 rheumatic fever
莱茵河 Rhine
生活节奏 rhythm of life
利嘉阁地产 Ricacorp Properties
派米活动 rice giveaways
宣纸 rice paper
富豪排行榜 rich list
富裕国家 rich nations
民间人权阵线发言人蔡耀昌 Richard Choi Yiu-cheong, spokesman for the Civil Human Rights Front
李泽楷 Richard Li Tzar-kai
布满地雷 riddled with mines
暴民 riffraff
射击场 rifle ranges
右心房/右心耳 right atrium
右脑 right cerebral hemisphere
右肺 right lung
右心室 right ventricle
亲密战将、心腹、亲信 right-hand man
右倾 right-leaning