没有人能够准确预测股市的走向。 Nobody can reliably predict which way the stock market will move.
禁止通行地区 no-go zone
提名委员会 nominating committee
总统提名初选 nomination primary
立法会选举提名期于昨日结束。今年立法会选举共有一百五十六名候选人,将于下个月举行。 Nominations for next month‘s Legislative Council elections closed with 156 candidates yesterday.
无党派的 non-affiliated
所有样本均未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准。 None
非紧急病人 non-emergency patients
民间组织 non-governmental organisations (NGO)
非本地居民/非香港居民 non-Hong Kong residents
非本地学生 non-local students
免入息审查贷款计划 Non-means Tested Loan Scheme
禁止通行地区 no-go zone
提名委员会 nominating committee
总统提名初选 nomination primary
立法会选举提名期于昨日结束。今年立法会选举共有一百五十六名候选人,将于下个月举行。 Nominations for next month‘s Legislative Council elections closed with 156 candidates yesterday.
无党派的 non-affiliated
所有样本均未能符合世界卫生组织所定下的标准。 None
非紧急病人 non-emergency patients
民间组织 non-governmental organisations (NGO)
非本地居民/非香港居民 non-Hong Kong residents
非本地学生 non-local students
免入息审查贷款计划 Non-means Tested Loan Scheme
非官守成员 non-official members
行政会议非官方成员 non-official members of the Executive Council/Executive Council members without portfolio
非和平手段 non-peaceful measures
庸才 non-performers
非牟利幼儿园 non-profit kindergartens
温和派的回教徒 nonradical Muslims
非吸烟区 non-smoking area
易洁镬 non-stick fry pan
不投票的人 nonvoters
北欧投资银行 Nordic Investment Bank
正常经济活动 normal economic activities
(列车)服务于十分钟后回复正常。 Normal service was resumed after 10 minutes.
与中国关系正常化 normalized relations with China
北区 North
北韩迁移首都平壤和其它城市的二百万人口到乡郊,似是要为其危机深重的农业增加新力军。 North Korea is relocating two million people from its capital and other cities to the countryside in an apparent attempt to add workers to its battered farm industry.
北韩建国者金日成 North Korea‘s founder Kim Il Sung
北韩核武计划 North Korea‘s nuclear weapons programme
北韩特务 North Korean agents
北韩的核武挑衅 North Korean nuclear belligerence
北韩总统金正日 North Korean President Kim Jong Il
北大屿山公路 North Lantau Highway
北方联盟 Northern Alliance
美国西北航空 Northwest Airlines Inc.
挪威(奥斯陆) Norway(Oslo)
这样处理医学废料不只影响卫生,还是不尊重死者。 Not
决不允许任何人进行针对中央政府的活动 not allow anyone to stage activities against the central government
不符合保外就医的资格 not eligible for
八字没一撇 Not even the first stroke of the character is in sight; Nothing tangible is yet in sight.
不得转让 not negotiable
没有新闻价值 not newsworthy